Puppetry Zone

No Strings Attached!

Puppets remain the #1 ministry tool for engaging, entertaining, and educating kids. The simple fact is, KIDS LOVE PUPPETS, and while other teaching techniques come and go, puppets are here to stay! Here you will find help for puppet teams as well as solo puppeteers.

See Also: Introduction to Solo Puppeteering

#1 Rated Puppet Script:
Flatman and Bobbin #1 The Bumbling Duo Discover the Gospel!

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In our four-part Helltown Series, a number of fun and familiar detectives try and figure out why a town has turned its back on God. It's a mystery and a lot of fun!

Number 1 in our popular helltown series!
All Access Helltown 2: The Puppet Was A Spy

This time James Puppet parachutes into Helltown, with a top-secret message...from Jesus Christ!

Number 2 in our popular Helltown Series.
All Access Helltown 3: Rue The Day

Now it's up to the Green Hornet and Kato to help the people of Helltown -- if they can only get there!

Part three of our popular helltown series.
All Access Helping Out

Toby wants his mum to read him a story, but she is too busy. He then figures out that his mum will have more time if he helps her and so he does! Could easily be modified into a Mother's Day skit.

All Access Here Am I

Will you give that gift to Him. Only then can He use your talents, time and service.

Matthew 2:1-11
All Access Hiding From God

A boy tries to hide from God, in so doing he learns a valuable lesson about King Ahab.

All Access High Swing, Low Swing

As Christians, we should think of others before ourselves.

Christian Living
All Access Homer and Henry: Saying Mean Things

It is so easy to call each other names, even when we are playing and don't really mean it. It still hurts.

Name calling and hurting others
All Access How Can I Pray?

You can be with God wherever you are even if you don't have hands to put together.

All Access How Do You Get To Heaven?

Jesus died, but He rose from the dead and He went to heaven and because He did, someday we will too.

All Access How Do You Get To Heaven?

A host and four panel members ask the question "How do you get to heaven ?"

The Way To Heaven
All Access How To Beat Boredom

When you do something for someone else, you are doing it for Jesus.

Matthew 25:31-46, Serving others
All Access Hug A TV

The Bible teaches us in many places that people not only need God, but people need people.

Christian Living
All Access I Can Win!

A boy learns about war.

All Access I Don't Need That Junk (Alcohol)

Brad dumps Christina and she can't figure out why. It all begins to make sense though when Jennifer discovers that Christina has been getting drunk at parties.

Drug Prevention
All Access I Don't Need That Junk (Smoking)

Brad dumps Christina and she can't figure out why. It all begins to make sense though when Jennifer discovers that Christina just took up smoking.

Drug Prevention
All Access I Just Want To Say “I LOVE JESUS”

Let us not forget that Christ loved the children.

All Access I Know Christmas

All Access I Want A New Horse

Billy Bob Cowhorn is the son of Billy Ray and Mary Jane Cowhorn, the fastest cattle wrestlers this side of the border. Billy Bob wants a new horse ... but does he really *need* one?

All Access Immunized

Simply being religious will never save you. Only Christ can do that.

Christian Living
All Access In God's Sight

We should count our blessings.

Psalm 103:8-13, Our blessings, being thankful
All Access In Praise of Goofing Off

God wants us to balance our work and our rest time, in order to have a happy, healthy life.

Mark 6: 30-34, Christian Living
All Access In the Valley of Dry Bones

One puppet learns what the story of dry bones is all about. It is not about bones and skin and muscle; it is about a loving God who gives life to bones and muscles.

All Access Indiana Jones and the Hairbrush of Absalom

Leonard is finally confronted by his friends about his continual lateness.

All Access Is God Real?

Ernie wants to be a super-hero sidekick when he grows up, but he doesn't realize that super-heroes aren't real! Jemma tells him that she's going to be like her dad because he is real and helps real people. Could be a good Father's Day script.

Helping Others
All Access Is Your Can Labeled?

People should be able to see by our label of 'love' that we are Christians. Let's make sure others can see our label.

Christian Living
All Access It Does Take Practice

Are you afraid to speak up for the Lord? Practice. It may seem funny at first, but try it. Then speak up for the Lord whenever you have a chance.

Psalm 45:10-18, Witnessing
All Access It Is Well

This is based on a true story in the life of Horatio Spafford

All Access It Makes No Difference Where You Belong

People look on the outward appearance, God looks at the heart. God doesn't care how we look.

Matthew 15:21-28, Friendship
All Access It's All in the Bible

A child tries to make another child (selfish child) see the ways of good people by quoting the bible.

The Bible
All Access It's Not Fair

Think of Paul and Silas. It wasn't fair that they were thrown in jail for preaching about the Lord, and yet they sang! They weren't going to let the unfair actions of others get them down.

Christian Living
All Access Jacob's Ladder

This is an eyewitness account from the rock that Jacob laid his head on when he saw the vision of the ladder to Heaven. I wrote it to go along with Karl's lesson "A Ladder Up to Heaven! Genesis 28:10-22

Eyewitness to Jacob's Ladder to Heaven
All Access JAG: Jesus Advocate God

Zachary goes to "kid court" and learns about the judical galaxy.

All Access Jesus Has The Power To Set Us Free!

We can get trapped by sin, even the smallest of sins can get a hold of us. Jesus can set us free because He defeated sin and death by dying on the cross!

Being set free from sin.
All Access Jesus Never Told A Mean Joke

Those mean jokes hurt! Some kids think they are funny; some fathers think they motivate. Here's a lesson for both of them.

Mean jokes
All Access Jesus Protects Me

George discovers that God will protect him from danger - although he still shouldn't do silly things on purpose.

All Access John 3:16 Puppet Script

God was willing to send His Son to die for you.

All Access Josh's Choice

Jesus died so that you may have eternal life. You must confess your sins, ask forgiveness, and accept Christ as your Savior.

All Access Joy

Do you feel joy in your heart today, even when things go wrong? Real joy is found in Jesus.

All Access Just Carrots

You should be taking care of your body by getting proper food, sleep and exercise. You should be taking care of your mind by studying, reading good books, and listening in church and Sunday School. (Based on Eccl. 3:1-11)

Taking care of yourself physically and mentally
All Access Just Different

It's important to treach all people alike.

Being Fair
All Access Just In Case Hugs

Mommy and Daddy are off to work. Nothing bad will happpen to them. But why not give them a big hug, "just in case"?

Why not give someone you love a hug?
All Access Keep On Asking

Don't forget to keep on praying. God sets down several conditions for effective prayer. One of them is persistence. So keep on asking and believing.

Luke 11:5-8, Prayer
All Access Kool Kats

It is important to "Check out all things, hold fast to that which is good."

All Access Leaders

We can also pray for our leaders, that God will bless them, guide them, so they will make the right decisions.

All Access Lickenstein

This script follows on from "Ze Family in A-Flat Minor". Lickenstein, Mr Tchaihadder's dog comes to visit and eventually finds out about how Jesus loves all kinds of people no matter what they look like.

All Access Lifeprints

Ask God to help you live in such a way that the prints you leave are a good testimony for God.

Christian Living
All Access Lighting the Blackout

Zachary learns about reaching others through Christ despite the blackout. I hope someone can use this-I got it out ASAP.

All Access Like a Mocking Bird

If you imitate somebody, imitate the greatest person who ever lived -- Jesus.

Imitating Jesus
All Access Like A Seed

We are never too old to grow up for the Lord!

Matthew 13:31-32, Christian Growth
Big Bible Beginnings - Right Recruiting Tools - Fishing KidCheck Girl FUNtastic Bible Activity Book U-Turn Cards Gospel Presentation Learn about DiscipleTown My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Unit 20 - Love God Next Steps for Kids Kidmin Talk Podcast
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