Puppetry Zone

No Strings Attached!

Puppets remain the #1 ministry tool for engaging, entertaining, and educating kids. The simple fact is, KIDS LOVE PUPPETS, and while other teaching techniques come and go, puppets are here to stay! Here you will find help for puppet teams as well as solo puppeteers.

See Also: Introduction to Solo Puppeteering

#1 Rated Puppet Script:
Flatman and Bobbin #1 The Bumbling Duo Discover the Gospel!

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All Access Little Alex

A comic story and a teaching tool for the children about adapting popular stories as puppet plays.

Comedy and teaching tool
All Access Little Alex

This fun story is also a good learning tool for the kids' writing skills (see attached notes)

A popular joke, at the pastor's expense
All Access Look At Me: I Am Saved

The script is divided into 2 parts. In the first part, Tim tries to have extra birthday parties because they're so much fun. In part 2, he learns how the angels have a party whenever someone gets saved so he brings his friends also.

Born Again
All Access Looking Good to God

Drew is obseessd with getting his hair to look perfect to impress people at school, but Jamie explains that God isn't impressed with our outside, but wants us to look good on the inside. I used this skit in a lesson about the angel speaking to Mary, with the point being that God chose Mary to be the mother of Jesus because she looked good on the inside.

God looks on the inside
All Access Love Makes the World Go Round

We need to learn all we can about people and their diseases, because when we replace fear with knowledge, we can love them as ourselves.

Matthew 22:37-40, Unconditional love
All Access Lunchbox

One boy who has plenty shares his food with another boy who doesn't have very much and this makes them both happy because that's what Jesus would have done.

All Access Luther's Thanksgiving

Luther, an egocentric penguin, tries to become the center of attention for Thanksgiving by dressing as a Turkey.

All Access Malnourished Christians

If you stop reading faithfully, your hunger for God's teaching will fade, even though you need it more than ever.

Isaiah 53:1-3, 10-11, Reading the Bible
All Access Mark the Mooch

Doesn't everyone get annoyed by that mooch?

All Access Marvel Not

a boy deals with an apparent insult

dealing with insults
All Access Member Of The Band (Fourth Of July)

Are you faithfully practicing the things God teaches? God wants you to keep on.

All Access Milk Anybody?

I need to stop grumbling and complaining and start doing things God's way.

Pleasing God
All Access Model by Day... Christian Full Time!

Super-Bunny vogues to the 10 Commandments, and makes sure the children don't forget the real lessons!

A fun way to explain the Ten Commandments.
All Access Mom, the Good Shepherd

Jesus said that He knows His own sheep and they know Him and also that He would lay down His life for His sheep, because He is their Good Shepherd.

Being a Good Shepherd

A boy confesses his true love to his Mother, his love of Jesus Christ!

Valentines Day!
All Access Mother's Day Alien Puppet Routine

Today is a special day to tell your mom how much you love her. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY.

All Access Mr. Armless

Old Mr Armless, the puppet with no arms, is given a present (after he eventually wakes up!). This is the best present he has ever received in all his years. What is it? The gift of Jesus!

Born Again
All Access My Dad is Better Than Your Dad

Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to the “My Dad’s better than your Dad” show. Today's two contestants will be trying to convince the audience to cast their vote for them by telling us why they think their Dad is better than your Dad!

All Access My Dad's Better than Your Dad Show

The puppets debate whose father is the best. Then one of them says how great his Father is and that his father is God. No Matter What You Do, No Matter What You Say, God Loves You.

God's Love
All Access My So-Called Puppet Life

It's tough being a kid these days. And it's good to have a friend who reminds you of your commitment to Jesus.

God's sunshine falls on a girl having a bad day.
All Access Needed: Small Lights

Maybe you cannot preach a sermon or teach, but you can invite your friends and your classmates to church.

Luke 16:1-13, Witnessing
All Access Nellie Nuthatch Saves The Day

God is the wonderful one. He gave me my special abilities.

All Access Never Again

You have to confess those things you've done wrong. Ask Him to help you live in such a way that your meeting with Him will be a joyful experience, not a fearful one.

Christian Living
All Access New Year's Promises

The kids have some fun trying to make the right New Year's resolutions

The puppets make some new year's promises
All Access No Doubt About It

The Bible says that if you believe in Jesus, you have eternal life -- you're a Christian. There's no doubt about it.

All Access No Stains

It is the blood of Jesus Christ our Lord. It is the only thing that can cleanse a person's soul.

All Access Noah

Two 'fun' ventriloquism (or puppet) skits are shared concerning Noqh's ark.

Noah's Ark

In the summer, we have a puppet show the third graders practise and put on for the first and second graders. We use a table that has been turned over, a light-blue felt cloth (covers the table, taped down) and card-board props for certain items, like a huge Sun with Sun-glasses for God, a raven, a dove, the Ark (takes up the top part of the table), and waves of water. We use velcro on the back on these items to hold them on the felt. The Narrator sits in the audience and the script is taped to the underside of the table, so that all the characters can see it. Each character has a copy of the script also. We use puppets for the animals and Noah and his wife. The third graders end up knowing a great deal about the Flood and the audience really enjoys the show!

All Access Not for Sale

Some people tell us that we have to buy salvation by our good works but that the Bible tells us it is a free gift from Jesus.

All Access Not Hopeless

Do you know Christians who need a lot of improvement? Are you praying for them? Are you helping them by being friendly? Do you set a good example for them?

Setting Examples
All Access Not Reading Your Bible is Like...

It makes sense to read your Bible.

The Bible
All Access Obey Your Parents

A puppet discovers that life goes much better when he obeys his parents. First, he hurts himself on some toys he should have picked up, then he gets sick eating some berries his dad told him not to eat. Could be adapted for Mother's Day or Father's Day.

All Access Oh My Clock

As a Christian, you have a responsibility to be a joyful member of your team. The Lord wants you to work in unity with other Christians.

Christian Living
All Access Oh Yuck!

Good times and bad times are all a part of our lives, just like flour and raw eggs and shortening and sugar and chocolate are all parts of a cake. It takes everything to make it complete.

Psalm 34:15-18, God's plan includes the goodandbad
All Access Oh, Oh Gossip

If you continue to spread gossip and rumors, pretty soon no one will want to be your friend because they can't trust you.

All Access One Word Changed Everything

Nobody ever loved like Jesus loved, nobody ever taught quite like He taught, no one else has given his or her life for the sins of the world.

Matthew 16:13-20, Jesus is one of a kind
All Access Patience

Reputations, like nicknames, have a tendency to live on, even when they are no longer true.

Christian Living
All Access Peacemaking

What can you do when your two best friends are fighting? Try to help them remember the love and joy of friendship.

Making Peace
All Access Peas or Peelings?

Things of this world will never satisfy these needs.

Psalm 23, Christian living, our needs
All Access Ponies and Cookies

Do you believe everything you read? Remember, people aren't perfect and can make mistakes. The only Book you can fully trust is the Bible.

The Bible
All Access Prayer for A Friend

Jen prays for her friend who isn't feeling well and he begins to recover.

All Access Precious Seed

A young boy learns about sowing and reaping.

Laws of the Harvest
All Access Prejudiced Puppets

As puppets discuss the worth of a "green" puppet, kids will look at their bias of the outward appearance of others. Use with I Sam 16:7.

prejudism, judging a book by it's cover
All Access Puppet Play for Christmas

A puppet routine teaching what Christmas is all about.

All Access Puppet-napped for Ransom

A puppet is ransomed for Bible verses.

The Bible
All Access Ready for Fishing

Sometimes people don't come to Christ right away. Sometimes it takes time, patience, persistence and prayer.

Matthew 4:17-22, Witnessing
All Access Real?

Sometimes, when people do not love one another, they are what the Bible calls hypocrites, or actors. But when they really love and care about each other, they are no longer acting - they are REAL.

Matthew 5:44, Love
All Access Red Light

Do something positive today to show your love for God and for others.

Love for God and Others
All Access Reflections

Reflect Jesus and His way of life, not that of someone else.

Witnessing. Exodus 34:29-35.
All Access Rejected

Jesus is the Son of God. Let's decide today that we won't reject Jesus.

Matthew 21:33-46, Salvation
Big Bible Beginnings - Right Recruiting Tools - Fishing KidCheck YouthCheck Girl Gospel Colors 88 Games with 8 Objects Book Andy and the Ants My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Unit 19 - Memorization Order of the Ancient Kidmin Talk Podcast
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