Puppetry Zone

No Strings Attached!

Puppets remain the #1 ministry tool for engaging, entertaining, and educating kids. The simple fact is, KIDS LOVE PUPPETS, and while other teaching techniques come and go, puppets are here to stay! Here you will find help for puppet teams as well as solo puppeteers.

See Also: Introduction to Solo Puppeteering

#1 Rated Puppet Script:
Flatman and Bobbin #1 The Bumbling Duo Discover the Gospel!

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Level Title Topic
All Access Repentance

We all make mistakes, but the Bible teaches us that when we ask, we will be forgiven. Isn't it nice to know that Jesus still loves us even when we mess up?

We all make mistakes
All Access Rescued

How about you, boys and girls? Are you a Christian, but afraid to trust God with your daily life?

Christian Living
All Access Righteous Judgement

Milo, a young boy puppet, and Pastor Markus discuss some "Christian" puppet scripts found on the internet.

The Bible
All Access Rules of the House

Jesus said the most important commandment was to love God and your neighbor.

Matthew 22:34-46, Love
All Access Satan Jr.

Two puppets tell the lil' devil on their shoulder what for!

Temptation comes in all shapes and in all sizes!
All Access School's Out...Forever?

A counselor helps Jerry understand that not all books are like the Bible. Some are works of fiction.

The Bible
All Access Seedless Oranges

Let God spread the gospel through you.

Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23, Witnessing
All Access Sell Out or Sold Out?

Zachary ditches church for a baseball game

All Access Shhhh!

If you talk all the time, you have trouble hearing God.

Zephaniah 1:7, 12-18, Listening to God
All Access Shine, My Little Light

We have to be careful to keep our light for Jesus shining in our lives.

Matthew 5:13-20, Witnessing
All Access Short People

Maybe Jesus cannot come to our house in the way He came to Zacchaeus', but you know what? We can invite Jesus to come into our hearts and into our minds and into our lives.

Luke 19:1-10, Salvation
All Access Sickness

God's promise to us is that He will deliver us from suffering, or make something good result from it. Don't let anyone use sickness or suffering to discourage you - let God turn it into a victory.

Christian Living
All Access Sidetracked

Don't let anything sidetrack you from your goal.

Psalm 16, Christian living.
All Access Sinner Hospital

The doctor is too late to save his life; can he save his eternal soul?

There is a cure for a diseased soul!
All Access Sister Trouble

How about you, boys and girls? Do you appreciate the brothers and sisters the Lord has given you? Do you get along with them? The Bible says that you are to help each other in the time of trouble.

Psalm 133, Brothers and Sisters
All Access Sneezing

If only Sammy had obeyed his mom, he'd have cookies to eat, he wouldn't be covered in flour, there'd be a lot less sneezing, and his eyes would still be attached! How can one puppet get in so much trouble?

All Access Solomon's Hampster

Zachary and Julia had two hamsters. One died during the night. To whom does the living one belong? Grandpa must decide.

All Access Some Last Words

Jesus died on the cross for our sins.

Mark 15, Easter
All Access Song of the Wild

Make sure your unsaved friends aren't influencing you. Your deepest friendships should be with Christians who will help you be more like Jesus.

Psalm 1, Choosing friends
All Access Song of the Year

Thrasher and Trasher are nominated for "Song of the Year" for their song "Hate Your Neighbor Especially If They are Ugly". Thrasher and Trasher's backstage antics show if they are really Christians or not even though they are wearing big crosses...

Wearing a Cross Doesn't make you a Christian
All Access Soul Wars Episode 1- The Battle of Boo Boo

Panicin' Skyhopper is trying to take the gospel to the planet Boo-Boo when he is tempted by the evil Dark Shopping Mall!

All Access Soul Wars Episode 2: Attack of The Clowns

Panickin’ Skyhopper and his Mentor Ooby Dooby Canoeby have traveled the universe far and wide sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and leading many to become His disciples.

All Access Souper Bowl Sunday

One puppet learns the importance of taking care of God's servants.


This game show skit will get your kids involved, and put them on the floor laughing. You can perform it as a puppet skit or as a live skit using your drama team. Or you could take it to the streets and get a community involved. You will need the following: Jesus and costume, three contestants and the voice of the Holy Spirit. Enjoy!

All Access Spiritual Excercise

If you are sad, worried, afraid, - sing. Exercise your spirit. Sing unto the Lord, and you will feel better.

Psalm 98, Singing to the Lord
All Access Spiritual Excercise #2

Singing is spiritual exercise. We jog to keep our body in shape. We sing for spiritual fitness.

Psalm 98, Singing
All Access Spiritual Workout

Church is not just a place to sit on Sunday morning. It's a place where true believers in Christ meet to worship and serve God and to learn how to live for Him.

All Access Standing on the Word of God

Bob and Heath, our vulture friends, help us to learn about God's Word and the importance of what's in it!

The Bible
All Access Star Date Zero

Some "Star Trek" puppet go through an anomoly and get to witness Creation!

All Access Still A Beautiful Day

We shouldn't worry about things that God will give us peace in our hearts and minds.

Christian Living
All Access Sulky and Smolder

Agent Fax Smolder from the FBO sets out to investigate the unexplained phenomena of "victual apparition" that occurred when Jesus fed the 5000.

All Access Sunday Morning

We should be prepared to worship God.

Psalm 96:8-13, Preparing to worship
All Access Survivor 5

This is about a little girl who overcomes jealousy of her little brother's accomplisments and learns more about God's plan.

Surviving life's little challenges
All Access Temporary Permanent

When things go wrong, especially one thing after another, it's easy to get discouraged and forget God's love. But God doesn't forget you. His love is there, whether you're feeling it or not. It's an everlasting love.

Psalm 48:9-14, God's love
All Access Temptation: The Devil vs. Jesus

No matter what tricks Satan tries to use to get us to sin, Jesus gives us strength to resist the temptation!

Overcoming Temptation
All Access The Alarm

We had better wake up and live for Him, because it won't be long until He returns.

Christian Living
All Access The Awesome Power of Love

Each of us need to make a friend right here in church; that's what God wants us to do.

Christian Living
All Access The Battle Already Won

Brent learns how to be prepared for the moment of temptation.

All Access The 'Bear' Facts

Be careful to live as God wants you to live. Be wise.

Christian Living
All Access The Best Fighting System

"A soft answer turns away anger"

Proverbs 15:1, Anger
All Access The Best Gift

One of my favorite Bible verses is I John 4:8 that says, "God is love" and since we belong to God, that means we are love, too.

All Access The Big Bad Wolf on Trial

A humorous skit about the Big Bad Wolf begin put on trial for terrorizing Little Red Riding Hood and The Three Little Pigs. It ends with a strong Gospel presentation.

All Access The Big Game

A remarkable story about the power of an act of kindness, and the power of God's presence.

An oft-told tale well-told.
All Access The Bumpy Road

Living a Christian life is not always easy, but it is always best.

Isaiah 53:1-10, Enduring through hardships
All Access The Cage

Using a simple metaphor, Preacherman illustrates the age-old struggle between Good and Evil.

The cage door is always open...
All Access The Circle

Boys and girls, aren't you glad your God is so big that no human mind can fully understand Him? Don't waste time trying to understand how He had no beginning and accept the fact that it is true.

Psalm 90:1-4, God's mighty power and existance
All Access The Colors of Schmutz

Schmutz (rhymes with puts), a melancholy monster, discovers the story of salvation in his art work.

All Access The Count

The Little Count (son of 'The Count' from Sesame St) is having difficulty learning how to count past 10. He eventually learns how to do this by persisting and not giving up.

All Access The Crooked Arrow

You should honor your parents. They have an important job to do.

Psalm 127, Parents
All Access The Difference Between God and Santa

The gifts God gives us are so much better than just clothes or toys. God gave us life, and He gave us our mommies and daddies and brothers and sisters. Those are all things we can thank God for.

Mark 13:24-37, Thankfulness
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