Puppetry Zone

No Strings Attached!

Puppets remain the #1 ministry tool for engaging, entertaining, and educating kids. The simple fact is, KIDS LOVE PUPPETS, and while other teaching techniques come and go, puppets are here to stay! Here you will find help for puppet teams as well as solo puppeteers.

See Also: Introduction to Solo Puppeteering

#1 Rated Puppet Script:
Flatman and Bobbin #1 The Bumbling Duo Discover the Gospel!

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Level Title Topic
All Access The Fire That You Can't Put Out

GNN reporter, Wendy Spirit, interviews Fire Dog, on the scene of a fire blazing on peoples' heads. Fire Dog recounts the amazing man speaking "Doginese" and another "Doglish." A red helium inflated balloon explains how the Holy Spirit "lifts us up" to do God's Work.

Acts 2:17
All Access The First Born

Jesus was the first one born in all of creation. This is the first picture we have of an invisible God: Someone born like you and me, someone born like all creatures great and small.

All Access The Fishing is Fine

Lots of kids get excited about going fishing. Get excited about fishing for people.

Matthew 4:12-23
All Access The Floating Knife

God gives many commands that go against your natural inclinations.

God's Commands
All Access The Frantic Lamb

Lilly the lamb is frantic, she has heard stories of how lambs were sacrificed for the sins of the people and she just knows that it's her turn; it's up to Camille and her friends to tell Lilly about God's Lamb - Jesus, the ultimate sacrifice.

God's Love & Salvation
All Access The Free Tickets

Do you expect to get into heaven because you're better than others are? Nobody is about to make it on his own goodness.

All Access The Get-Ready Man

Treat everyone you meet as if they could be God in disguise.

Mark 1:1-8, Christian living
All Access The Greatest Story Ever Told!

A puppet wants the Big Studio to make a movie about the King of Kings. Wanna hear his pitch?

All Access The Hibernating Christian

Is your walk with the Lord controlled by those around you or are you leading a double life? Be a warm blooded, faithful Christian, no matter how cold the world around you is.

Christian Living
All Access The High Road

Kids should get the job finished and not falter.

Isaiah 42:1-9, Commitment and faithfulness
All Access The Hunt for the Egg of Lasting Life

Outback Jack learned the true meaning of Easter in this funny take off of the Crocidile Hunter.

Easter Puppet Script / Drama
All Access The Invitation

Don't look in the mailbox for this invitation, and don't plan on bringing a guest. Ricky and Ronnie, those two loveable puppets, teach us how to RSVP. With laughs!

All Access The Living God

Our God was different. He is alive! Only He can hear and answer our prayers. I think I will go and pray to the only true, living God.

All Access The Living God

But our God is different. He is alive! Only He can hear and answer our prayers.

Luke 24:1-12, The Easter Story
All Access The Love Letter

This script uses a puppet to help tell the story. The story line is about a princess who is waiting for a letter from her prince. When she finally gets it, she only reads bits and pieces at a time, storing it carefully away until the next time she reads a bit. She never reads the whole things. Kids, of course, object to this; and so we use a second ending. The princess gets the letter, reads it all, shares it, takes it with her everywhere. That is how we should read and treat God's love letter to us.

Importance of reading your Bible
All Access The Missing Piece

Remember that God is in control, and He knows what's best for you. Let Him put you in the right place at the right time. Be patient and wait for Him.

Psalm 130, Waiting on God
All Access The Missing Turkey

Many people think they can enjoy Christmas without paying much attention to Christ Himself? It is true that they may have good times, but they're missing the meat. They're not enjoying the best.

Luke 2:15-17; John 1:1-4, 9, 14, Christmas
All Access The Other Ark

This conversation between God and Noah about a second Noah's Ark doesn't appear in the Bible ... I wonder why? This script is just for fun with older kids and/or adults.

All Access The Persecutor

A Russian comes to Christ through the testimony and faithfulness of a young Christian.

All Access The Plimsoll Mark

You know you can talk to God and He will help you resist the temptation. He will never overload you.

All Access The Prodigal Daughter

Another in Puppet2Puppet's series of puppet plays written BY Kids, FOR kids.

The biblical tale retold by a teenage girl.
All Access The Race of Life

Some things may not in themselves be sinful, but if they keep you from serving the Lord, they're wrong for you.

All Access The Race Of Life

You shouldn't be afraid if you know Jesus as Savior. You can cross the finish line and receive your reward.

Christian Living
All Access The Real Gift

God sent Jesus to save us from our sins. He's the real gift of Christmas, but too many people ignore Him altogether. They get distracted by the trimmings of Christmas -- the presents, lights, gifts, trees and carols -- and they ignore the Savior completely.

Luke 1:46-55, The true meaning of Christmas
All Access The Real Gift

All Access The Real Gift

What does Christmas mean to you? Do you worship Christ at Christmas time, or do you get caught up in the trimmings?

Matthew 1: 18-25, Christmas
All Access The Return Of The King

Only One can rule them all.

The folly of man. The glory of the King.
All Access The Right Tools

If God asks you to do a job, He will give you the necessary tools to handle it.

Jeremiah 1:4-10, Serving God
All Access The Right Track

If you haven't come to Christ, and confessed your sin and asked Him to be your Savior, you're not on the right track.

Christian Living
All Access The Right Way to Say No

In our Bible lesson, Daniel "purposed in his heart" (made up his mind ahead of time) that he would not do wrong. You need to do that, too.

Daniel 1:3-5, 8-9, Doing Right
All Access The Rules of the Game

Do you know God's rules? Do you follow them, or do you change them to suit yourself?

Following God
All Access The Surprise Package

Have you been putting off writing a thank you note to someone? And what about the Lord? Do you owe Him a 'thank you prayer'?

Luke 17:11-19, Thankfulness
All Access The Three Trees

A popular story dramatized to teach kids about fluidity of dreams and expectations, and the wonderful way that God reveals his plans to all of us.

Some trees learn that they are part of God's plan.
All Access The Trickster

Don't be deceived by the deceiver and forget Jesus.

Matthew 14:22-33, Christian Living
All Access The Way Life Ought To Be

Jesus is cheering for us!

Christian Living
All Access The Wrong Book

We are not accidents. We are part of God's plan and creation.

Gen. 1:1-5
All Access The Wrong Shoes

We should not be too quick to judge, we need to "walk in their shoes" for a while. Try to understand their circumstances better. Don't judge them; pray for them.

Judging Others
All Access The Young New Mexican Puppeteer

"Maybe the people will listen to a puppet teling them what to do..."

The classic tale of the Young New Mexican Puppeter
All Access The Youngest

Treat others the way you would like to be treated even if it doesn't seem fair to you.

Luke 6:27-38, The golden rule
All Access There's A Better Way

A little anger can't be helped, but it always needs to be gotten rid of as soon as possible before any lasting damage is done.

All Access There's a Mouse in the House

If your plugged into the Lord than you will be able to do so many good things for Him!

Christian growth
All Access They that Mourn

There are also Christians who know of sin in their lives. They too, need to mourn, or repent, and then they'll find the comfort of the full forgiveness that God has promised.

Psalm 20, Salvation
All Access Thin Air

The Little Count (son of 'The Count' on Sesame St) tries to create a rabbit out of thin air. He then figures out that magicians can only do tricks - only God can create things.

All Access This Isn't Sugar!

In today's world many people change it around so that the good seems to be evil and the evil seems to be good. (Based on Isaiah 1:1, 10-20)

Knowing God's Word and following Him
All Access Three Forms In One

This tries to teach children how to understand the Trinity and also how to understand how God made man multidementional too.

Teaching about the Trinity
All Access Ticket Trouble

Christ, and Christ alone is our ticket to heaven. God won't look at our faces or at who we are. He will only look to see if we have Christ in our hearts.

All Access Tickets

Arthur, an old obsessive ticket collecter, tries to figure out which ticket to use to get into heaven.

Eternal Life
All Access Tieing Your Shoes

When you give your life to Christ, you need to be baptized so that you too can show the world like Jesus.

All Access Ties or Tithes?

Carl is a bit confused over the word "Tithe" He brings all his neck ties for the offering just to find out he's got the wrong tithe.

Giving, Stewardship, offerings, Tithing
All Access Time to Get Up

Treat Sunday as a special day. Get to bed early on Saturday so you'll be ready to serve and worship the Lord on Sunday.

Psalm 122, Sunday is a Special Day
Big Bible Beginnings - Right Recruiting Tools - Fishing KidCheck Toddler Kid Conversation Cards 88 Games with 8 Objects Book Kidology's Ultimate Toolbox for Children's Ministr My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Unit 10 - How to Explain My Faith Order of the Ancient Kidology Store
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