Reviews Zone

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Level Title Topic
Free Movie Review: Mr. Peabody and Sherman

 A review of Mr. Peabody and Sherman, including description of the movie, areas of concern, teachable themes, discussion questions, and scriptures to use.

Movie Review, Reviews
Free Movie Review: Bandslam

A review of Bandslam, including description of the movie, areas of concern, teachable themes, discussion questions, and scriptures to use.

Movie Review, Reviews
Free Movie Review: Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

A review of Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, including description of the movie, areas of concern, teachable themes, discussion questions, and scriptures to use.

Movie Review, Reviews
Free Movie Review: Coraline

A review of Coraline, including description of the movie, areas of concern, teachable themes, discussion questions, and scriptures to use.

Movie Review, Reviews
Free Movie Review: G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra

A review of G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra, including description of the movie, areas of concern, teachable themes, discussion questions, and scriptures to use.

Movie Review, Reviews
Free Movie Review: Marmaduke

A review of Marmaduke, including description of the movie, areas of concern, teachable themes, discussion questions, and scriptures to use.

Movie Review, Reviews
Free Movie Review: Pink Panther 2

A review of Pink Panther 2, including description of the movie, areas of concern, teachable themes, discussion questions, and scriptures to use.

Movie Review, Reviews
Free Movie Review: The Karate Kid

A review of The Karate Kid, including description of the movie, areas of concern, teachable themes, discussion questions, and scriptures to use.

Movie Review, Reviews
Free Movie Review: Toy Story 3

A review of Toy Story 3, including description of the movie, areas of concern, teachable themes, discussion questions, and scriptures to use.

Movie Review, Reviews
Plus Book Review: 9 Things They Didn't Teach Me in College About Children's Ministry

This great new book by Ryan Frank provides great insight on chidren's ministry through practical advice, inspiring stories and insightful interviews.

Book, College, Ryan Frank
Starter Formational Children's Ministry

A review of Ivy Beckwith's book, Formational Children's Ministry. My review is generally favorable, although I do challenge some of the assumptions set forth by the author.

Book Review
Plus Happily Forever After

A review of a children's musical released by Little Big Stuff

Product Review
Free My Favorite Productivity Tools

Read these short reviews on some newer apps that can help you take control of your life.

Simplifying with Apps
Starter Offering the Gospel to Children

This review is considers the work of an Anglican writer, mining insights which might be helpful in other theological contexts, particularly in the evangelical setting.

Book Review
Starter Out of the Basement: A Holistic Approach to Children's Ministry

A book review of Out of the Basement: A Holistic Approach to Children’s Ministry by Diane C. Olson.

Book Review
Plus Ring Toss Bible Game

Looking for a versatile Bible review game that you can create with inexpensive materials. You've found it!

Game, Bible Review
Plus Rites of Passage: A Father's Blessing Book Review

"Rite of Passage: A Father's Blessing" Book Review

Book Review, Fatherhood
Starter TruWorship

A review of David C. Cook's TruWorship set, which includes CD's for both Preschool and Elementary aged kids.

Product Review
Starter What's In the Bible?

Review of a DVD product releasled by Jellyfish Labs and written by Phil Vischer.

Product Review
Starter Will Our Children Have Faith?

In his seminal book “Will Our Children Have Faith” John H. Westerhoff, III grapples with the state of Christian Education. Originally published in 1976 by Seabury Press and later revised, expanded and republished in 2000 by Morehouse Publishing, Westerhoff’s discourse deserves wider consideration from church leaders, children’s ministry leaders and educational thinkers beyond the scope of mainline denominations. While many evangelicals would quibble with some of his theological assumptions–he is Anglican, having been originally Church of Christ–they would be wise to listen to the heart of a man who has walked out the struggle of shifting educational tides, especially in the church context. He is a distinguished scholar to be sure. But more importantly he is a thoughtful practitioner of ministry.

Book Review
Free Review: Spiritual Parenting & BIG GOD!

Karl Bastian reviews Michelle Anthony's books, Spiritual Parenting and The Big God Story.

Spiritual Parenting
Plus Book Review: The Gospel According to Harry Potter

A Book Review by Larry Shallenberger on The Gospel According to Harry Potter by Connie Neal.

Book Review
Plus Kidzturn Labs

Kidzturn Labs is the brainchild of Sam and Matt Lussier. As Kidzturn Ministries hey travel the country with their family presenting the gospel to churches of all sizes. Kidzturn Labs is now releasing their media content at Kids' Ministry budget prices!

Media tools on a Kids' Ministry budget
Free Movie Review: Brave

A review of Brave, including description of the movie, areas of concern, teachable themes, discussion questions, and scriptures to use.

Movie Review, Reviews
Free Movie Review: Cars 2

A review of Cars 2, including description of the movie, areas of concern, teachable themes, discussion questions, and scriptures to use.

Movie Review, Reviews
Free Movie Review: Despicable Me 2

A review of Despicable Me 2, including description of the movie, areas of concern, teachable themes, discussion questions, and scriptures to use.

Movie Review, Reviews
Free Movie Review: Epic

A review of Epic, including description of the movie, areas of concern, teachable themes, discussion questions, and scriptures to use.

Movie Review, Reviews
Free Movie Review: Frankenweenie

A review of Frankenweenie, including description of the movie, areas of concern, teachable themes, discussion questions, and scriptures to use.

Movie Review, Reviews
Free Movie Review: Hotel Transylvania

A review of Hotel Transylvania, including description of the movie, areas of concern, teachable themes, discussion questions, and scriptures to use.

Movie Review, Reviews
Free Movie Review: Ice Age: Continental Drift

A review of Ice Age: Continental Drift, including description of the movie, areas of concern, teachable themes, discussion questions, and scriptures to use.

Movie Review, Reviews
Free Movie Review: Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted

A review of Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted, including description of the movie, areas of concern, teachable themes, discussion questions, and scriptures to use.

Movie Review, Reviews
Free Movie Review: Mr. Popper's Penguins

A review of Mr. Popper's Penguins, including description of the movie, areas of concern, teachable themes, discussion questions, and scriptures to use.

Movie Review, Reviews
Free Movie Review: ParaNorman

A review of ParaNorman, including description of the movie, areas of concern, teachable themes, discussion questions, and scriptures to use.

Movie Review, Reviews
Free Movie Review: Rise of the Guardians

A review of Rise of the Guardians, including description of the movie, areas of concern, teachable themes, discussion questions, and scriptures to use.

Movie Review, Reviews
Free Movie Review: The Odd Life of Timothy Green

A review of The Odd Life of Timothy Green, including description of the movie, areas of concern, teachable themes, discussion questions, and scriptures to use.

Movie Review, Reviews
Free Movie Review: The Secret World of Arrietty

A review of The Secret World of Arrietty, including description of the movie, areas of concern, teachable themes, discussion questions, and scriptures to use.

Movie Review, Reviews
Free Movie Review: Winnie the Pooh

A review of Winnie the Pooh, including description of the movie, areas of concern, teachable themes, discussion questions, and scriptures to use.

Movie Review, Reviews
Free Movie Review: Wreck-It Ralph

A review of Wreck-It Ralph, including description of the movie, areas of concern, teachable themes, discussion questions, and scriptures to use.

Movie Review, Reviews
Free Movie Review: Aliens in the Attic

A review of Aliens in the Attic, including description of the movie, areas of concern, teachable themes, discussion questions, and scriptures to use.

Movie Review, Reviews
Free Movie Review: Avatar

A review of Avatar, including description of the movie, areas of concern, teachable themes, discussion questions, and scriptures to use.

Movie Review, Reviews
Free Movie Review: Bedtime Stories

A review of Bedtime Stories, including description of the movie, areas of concern, teachable themes, discussion questions, and scriptures to use.

Movie Review, Reviews
Free Movie Review: City of Ember

A review of City of Ember, including description of the movie, areas of concern, teachable themes, discussion questions, and scriptures to use.

Movie Review, Reviews
Free Movie Review: Delgo

A review of Delgo, including description of the movie, areas of concern, teachable themes, discussion questions, and scriptures to use.

Movie Review, Reviews
Free Movie Review: Despicable Me

A review of Despicable Me, including description of the movie, areas of concern, teachable themes, discussion questions, and scriptures to use.

Movie Review, Reviews
Free Movie Review: Fly Me to the Moon

A review of Fly Me to the Moon, including description of the movie, areas of concern, teachable themes, discussion questions, and scriptures to use.

Movie Review
Free Movie Review: Get Smart

A review of Get Smart, including description of the movie, areas of concern, teachable themes, discussion questions, and scriptures to use.

Movie Review
Free Movie Review: G-Force

A review of G-Force, including description of the movie, areas of concern, teachable themes, discussion questions, and scriptures to use.

Movie Review, Reviews
Free Movie Review: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

A review of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, including description of the movie, areas of concern, teachable themes, discussion questions, and scriptures to use.

Movie Review, Reviews
Free Movie Review: Hop

A review of Hop, including description of the movie, areas of concern, teachable themes, discussion questions, and scriptures to use.

Movie Review, Reviews
Free Movie Review: Hotel for Dogs

A review of Hotel for Dogs, including description of the movie, areas of concern, teachable themes, discussion questions, and scriptures to use.

Movie Review, Reviews
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