Teaching Tips Zone

It's no mystery that teaching kids can be challenging. There are lots of ways to teach - but the more creative you are the better!

This zone is not lessons, but tons of help, ideas and guidance on how to teach more effectively.

It is loaded with ideas you just need to try, like Drawing the Bible or Using Shoes to Teach or even Beach Balls!

If you have a fun, creative or effective teaching method, be sure to share it!

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Level Title Topic
All Access No R.E.S.P.E.C.T. for anyone or anything. What do you do?

Should you expect respect from all kids? What about kids who have been through trauma? 

Respect, Divorce Care
All Access Object Lessons and Props Are Biblical

Don't let your props take the place of your message.

Props in Ministry
All Access Object Lessons Can Make an Impact!

What is an object lesson? Here are several basic instructions that you need to know for giving one!

Object Lesson Instructions
All Access One Way Sunday School Teachers Can Encourage Active Participation in Class

Keep your class actively participating with these simple tips. 

All Access Paul's Shipwreck - Kids Church Lesson

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson teach students about God’s protection.

Kids Church Lesson
All Access Play The Ball Where The Monkey Drops It

Some things are beyond our control. You have to start with what you have. You never get to start with what you wish you had.

Ministry Upsets
All Access Play Through the Bible

To effectively reach children, we need to understand children and teach them in a manner that they learn best.

Fun teaching ideas
All Access Praying with Mike and Ike

Using Mike and Ike candies as a way to help kids learn to pray and to connect the things around them with reminders to pray.

All Access Principles for Managing Difficult Behavior

Here are some key principles for managing difficult behaviors.

All Access Put On Your Oxygen Mask First

Take care of yourself so you can help take care of others.

All Access Questions Kids Ask About God

Kids have questions, naturally. One of the best ways to interact and lead them closer to God is by engaging with their questions.

Worship Stations, Questions
Starter See: Using Visuals for Greater Impact

… paint a power-packed picture for all those visual learners out there. ~ Aaron Reynolds "Your eye is a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is good, your whole body is filled with light." ~ Jesus (Matthew 6:22)

Teaching Tips, Using Visuals
All Access Sharing the Gospel with Kids

4 steps to simply sharing the Gospel with the kids in your mnisttry

All Access Shorter Attention Span: Kids or Goldfish?

If you work with kids, you know how challenging it can be to keep their attention.

Attention Span
All Access Teach Kids to be Bible Detectives!

I think one of the greatest skills you can teach your class is to study the Bible themselves.

Studying the Bible
All Access Teach your children to S.L.A.N.T.

Want your kids to pay attention better in class? Teach them to S.L.A.N.T.

Discipline, Listening
Free Teaching a Negative Child

Teaching kids about the love of God is a privilege and a joy, but what happens when your group includes a negative child?

Difficult Behavior
All Access Teaching Bible Skills

Let’s encourage our kids to be comfortable and familiar with their Bibles. 

Bible Study
All Access Teaching Kids Doctrine

Doctrine can be taught to children! Here are eight basics that every Christian church can agree on and should teach to all of their members, beginning with the children.

Doctrine, Teaching
Free Teaching Kids How to Pray for Others

Empower kids to pray for each other by teaching them how to pray. The prayer of a child can make a huge impact.

Prayer, Caring
All Access Teaching Kids To Be Confident In Their Faith

 Kids must be taught their faith in order to gain confidence in it!

Free Teaching Kids To Hear The Voice Of God

Teach your kids how they can listen for the voice of God when choosing friends.

Wise Choices, Hearing the Holy Spirit, Discernment
All Access Teaching Kids to Pray

Teaching kids to talk to God and hear from him is one of the most transformative parts of the small group experience, so be intentional about making it a priority in your time together.

All Access Teaching Tip: Using Perspective to Creatively Share Bible Stories for Kids

It's the same old BIble story, but it can also be a fresh one, when told through the eyes of someone new. 

Sunday School, Effective Teaching
All Access The #1 Way to Bore Kids in Your KidMin

Learn to teach, not just tell. 

Teaching Skills
All Access The Infiltration of Whirlwind Kids -- What Do You Do?

Children are active and have a lot of energy. But some kids are hyper all the time, it seems. Here's what you can do.

Divorce, ADHD, Grace, Discipline
Free The ONE Rule that Saved My Ministry... and the Night that Almost Ended It

This valuable story could prevent you from great heartache and a ruined ministry career! A MUST-READ!

Safety, Leadership, Integrity
All Access The Quick Quiet: Get Them Listening!

Every teacher or Children’s Ministry leader needs a few “quick quiet” tricks to help tame an unruly class. Here are a few methods that you should keep readily at hand.

Classroom Control, Management
Starter The Tongue

The tongue can be a powerful weapon. 

The Tongue
Free Three Things You Probably Didn't Know About Speaking

Do you ever wonder why your message fell flat? Maybe you need to work less on the content and more on the delivery. 

Message Delivery, Public Speaking
All Access Through the Eyes of a Child

12 short but meaningful tips on how to be a thoughtful teacher of children.

Relating to Children
All Access Tips for Student Participation in Large Group

Give yourself a break and use these tips for active participation during large group time. 

Management, Large Group
All Access Tips for Teaching Kids to Read the Bible

Whether in Sunday school or at home, use these 6 steps to help encourage your kids in studying the Bible.

Bible Study
All Access Tips for Using Bible Games with Kids

Since Bible games are a teaching tool, you want to do your very best using them in your program. The following tips will help you.

All Access Top 5 Reasons to have VBS

Is it worth the stress to run a VBS each year?

Starter Top Traits of High-Functioning Teams

What do you do to plan as a team?

All Access Training Kids to be Truthful and Kind

Are your kids meat-eaters and bone-spitters? We need to train them in clarity and charity. 

Truth and Kindness
All Access Using Technology in Children's Ministry

Here are the many ways that I use technology in children's ministry.

Technology, Children's Ministry
All Access We're Not All That Different

Here are some common “themes” of ministry that are literally worldwide.  

All Access What Toy Will Be the Next Fidget Spinner?

What's the next big "thing" in Kidmin?

Games, Toys, Fun for Kids
All Access Who is Responsible to Disciple my Kids?

Who is Responsible to Disciple my Kids - the church or me?

All Access Why Bible Games Work With Kids

Every children’s ministry should maximize Bible review games. They are essential to an exciting program.

All Access Why Do Behavior Problems Escalate When There is a Divorce?

Read the causes of unruly kids during and after divorce. 

Behavior, Divorce
All Access Worship Response Stations

Use these worship station ideas to allow kids to express themselves in ways that they are most comfortable. 

Worship, Object Lessons
All Access Here's Why You SHOULDN'T Align your Preschool and Elementary Lessons

The advantages to aligning preschool and elementary lessons are less than most people believe and the cost is much higher than most people realize. In short, the cost outweighs the benefits.

Lesson Planning
All Access Don't Raise Your Voice

Have you ever just played a game, gotten the kids all hyped up and then wanted their attention back? Don't raise your voice is this technique.

Crowd Control
All Access Effective Use of Storytelling

Eight tips are shared on how to make your storytelling more effective.

All Access Leading a Child to Christ

This is a short overview of how to lead a child to faith in Christ. It is the outline used by the Kidologist in his workshop by the same name. Includes the classic 'star fish story.'

All Access Now where is that lesson?

Christian Life
All Access Teaching children how they should pray

I find the story of Blind Bartimaeus (Mark 10, Luke 18) ideal for teaching children about how we should pray.

Teaching Prayer
Big Bible Beginnings - Right Recruiting Tools - Fishing KidCheck YouthCheck Girl Kid Conversation Cards 88 Games with 8 Objects Book Kidology's Ultimate Toolbox for Children's Ministr My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Unit 10 - How to Explain My Faith Next Steps for Kids Kidology Store
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