Kidology Recruiting Tools


Effective recruiting needs to be FUN, creative, and inviting.

That's why we've created fresh original tools to help you HOOK prospective volunteers. The invitation to serve children must be creative, positive, and consistent!

In addition, one of the best recruiting tips is to work to keep the volunteers you already have. Every volunteer you don't lose is one you don't have to replace.

To help you retain your current volunteers and recruit new ones, Kidology has created a collection of Volunteer Recruiting Tools available for you to download, many themed for Seasons and Holidays.

Starter Members can purchase these tools in our store. All Access Members can download them for FREE! See links below for each resource! 

New Year Resolution

Invite people to knock off over a dozen resolutions with only ONE THING: Volunteering in the Kids Ministry! It's a simple fun flyer to send home with every parent that will get them thinking and see some of the benefits of serving in the children's ministry. Just add your own logo and contact information!

Valentine's Recruiting Cards

The month of February is known for Valentine's Day! Kids love making and exchanging Valentine's Cards, but why not send home some Valentine's that not only express God's Love, but encourage parents to volunteer in the children's ministry and be a part of reaching kids for Jesus?


Here is an RSVP Card to "Reserve a Spot in the Children's Ministry," complete with a complete menu of ways a volunteer can get involved. Custom serving has arrived!


Job Descriptions

One of the keys to easy recruiting is having easily accessible job descriptions for all of your volunteer roles. We've made it easy with these customizable templates in a handy size!

Encouragement Postcards

One of the best recruiting tips is to work to keep the volunteers you already have. Every volunteer you don't lose is one you don't have to replace. These Volunteer Encouragement Postcards are designed to make it fast and easy to send that personal encouraging note that will make their day and ensure they know they are appreciated.

Parent Survey

What matters most to parents when it comes to their hopes for their kids' future. Most likely it is that they learn to know and love God. But they might fail to see the connection between their involvement in their kids' church experience and the outcome they hope for. This simple Parent Survey helps parents see how much their involvement can help!

Super Volunteer Poster

When you think of a Super Volunteer, what comes to mind? What traits would you like to see in your kidmin helpers? Hang this poster in your kids church room, Sunday School classes - all over the church! Not only is this designed to help recruit new volunteers, but it's a friendly way to remind your current volunteers of what makes a Super Volunteer!

Back-to-School Checklist

What's on YOUR back-to-school checklist? Sure, kids will need pens, pencils, crayons, calculators, etc. But what about tools for their spiritual growth? They will also need things like a new Bible, devotional book and Christian music. But the biggest impact will be via parental involvement. The best way for parents to aid in their spiritual development is to get involved in the kids ministry! 

Join Me!

The most effective recruiting is not leader to volunteers but rather volunteer to volunteer. This fun flyer gives you a tool to give your faithful volunteers to help them invite others to serve with them.

Don't Fear Kidmin!

Let's face it, some people are afraid of serving with kids. They may not feel skilled, experienced or knowledgeable about it, or they may just be hesitant because they're not sure what to expect. These fun flyers encourage folks in a fun way to overcome their fears and give it a try, assuring them that you'll work with them. 

Turkey Jokes Postcards

With jokes like these, who wouldn't smile? But These Turkey Jokes postcards aren't just fun and games. When you send these out to your kidmin volunteers, you'll also be telling them how thankful you are for them.

The Perfect Gift

What's the perfect gift parents can give their child? Invite them to serve in the kids ministry! Remind them that investing in their kids church experience is more important than any tangible present you can wrap with paper and ribbon. This creative card folds up to look like a gift wrapped with a bow. 

YES! Recruiting Postcards

You need a method for CAPTURING the contact and interest information of potential volunteers. These fun super-hero-themed postcards are designed to make joining the kids ministry team easy and inviting!

Fabulous Superhero Flyers

Launch a Super Hero Themed FABULOUS 40 recruiting campaign with the goal to add 40 new volunteers to your team during a set period of time. These super flyers along with a matching themed page on your church website will help create excitement as your team grows!

Is Your Kid A Winner? Postcard

One of the keys to recruiting is to keep the need before parents AND to give them the "WHY." This simple flyer gets parents to click a QR code that takes them to your website to see if their child "WON" something!


Ready to HOOK even more recruiting ideas? REEL in a BOATLOAD from Kidology's Recruiting Zone!

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