VBS Zone

Have the best VBS ever! Plan ahead for everything from checklists to water games to follow-up letters. You can find a great VBS Follow-Up Kit here... and you get it free when you order any VBS in the Kidology Store!

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Plus Lessons from Philippians

These are basic bible lessons that were used for a 5-day VBS, based on Philippians.

Plus VBS Camp

3 Day VBS outline for using a 5 day material

Plus Backyard Bible Splash!

This is a fun event your church can host in the summer.

Water Sports, Summer
Plus 4 Ways to Promote Your Church's VBS

Helpful ideas to help you so that you can invite your whole neighborhood to VBS.

VBS, Outreach
Free 9 Tips for Choosing a VBS Program

Here are 9 tips for choosing VBS material and evaluating your options.

Choosing VBS Material
Starter Amazing Kids! Amazing God!

Here's a great idea for your next free will offering collection. Excellent for camp or VBS!

Free Will Offering
Plus Check List for A Better VBS

A checklist that can help you improve your VBS every year!

VBS, Evaluation, Leadership
Plus Dealing with Challenging Kids at VBS

With VBS coming up, attitudes and conversations can make a difference when you have a rambunctious group of kids.

Divorce, Discipleship, Difficult Kids
Free Four Creative Water Day Games

Water day for your children’s summer camp is coming up. What do you do? Here are some creative water games that you can play!

Water Games
Plus Going Graphic: VBS T-shirts

We build unity among our VBS volunteer team by giving them sweet t-shirts! Here's our strategy for this.

VBS Volunteers, Teambuilding
Plus Keep Calm and VBS On!

Tips for Creating a Staffing Plan and Choosing Volunteers Wisely

Free Reflections of a Follow-Upper

Follow-up ministry is so important for children's ministry. Whether it's camp ministry or church ministry, kids need to be discipled year round. Kendra shares her story about her own experience at camp and how follow-up plays a key role in her life now.

Follow-up Ministry
Plus Top 5 Reasons to have VBS

Is it worth the stress to run a VBS each year?

Plus The VBS V.I.P.S

What is the difference between a very special VBS and a "regular" (not VBS) school? Billie and Sally find out that not that much actually, with the help of their award-winning VBS leader.

Christianity and the Classroom
Plus God's Garage decorations

I love free or almost-free decorating ideas. Here is how we pulled off fabulous VBS decorations with a cars and Route 66 theme for only $20!

Starter Volunteer Application

Use this application when recruiting and screening your camp or VBS volunteers

Basic Camp or VBS Volunteer Application Form
PLUS Membership 2025 Recruiting Tools - Fishing KidCheck Girl 2025 TUB Right - 2025 Promo PastorKarl.com Kidology's Ultimate Toolbox for Children's Ministr My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Unit 19 - Memorization U-Turn Cards Kidology Store
Need Curriculum?

Check out Bible Basics
Kidology's 3-Year Curriculum

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