Volunteers Zone

Are you a ministry volunteer looking for direction? Do you lead volunteers, and want to do so to the best of your ability? Check out the volunteer zone for a plethora of tips, tricks, ideas, and encouragement.

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Guest Starter Members
Level Title Topic
Plus Teaching Kids to Pray

Teaching kids to talk to God and hear from him is one of the most transformative parts of the small group experience, so be intentional about making it a priority in your time together.

Plus Teaching Tip: Using Perspective to Creatively Share Bible Stories for Kids

It's the same old BIble story, but it can also be a fresh one, when told through the eyes of someone new. 

Sunday School, Effective Teaching
Plus The Beauty of Approachability

If you're only focused on ministry and not people, then you're missing one of your greatest callings.

Welcoming, Attitude
Starter The Benefits of a Volunteer Meeting

Here are a few of the benefits of holding a volunteer meeting every week.

Free The Big Lie Evangelicals Tell Christian Parents

Proverbs 22:6 is an important Scripture, but does it provide a guarantee for parents that training kids "in the way they should go" will result in children not departing from their faith? 

Parenting, Discipline, Salvation by Grace
Plus The Hardest Word You Will Ever Say

Do you have a case of the "yesses"? Do you have a hard time saying no? Not everything you are asked to do are you meant to do...

Saying No, Prioritizing
Plus The Intimidating Volunteer

In children's ministry, it is easy to become intimidated by those who have years of experience in parenting, children's ministry leadership, and even advanced education.

Working with Volunteers
Plus The One Step That Leads To Leadership Success

Which step will lead to your leadership success?

Leadership, Success
Plus The Quick Quiet: Get Them Listening!

Every teacher or Children’s Ministry leader needs a few “quick quiet” tricks to help tame an unruly class. Here are a few methods that you should keep readily at hand.

Classroom Control, Management
Free The Single Greatest Recruitment Tool for Kidmin

After years and years of ministry, I have discovered that there is no greater tool for recruiting volunteers for children's ministry.

Leadership, Prayer, Recruitment
Plus There Is No Such Thing As A 'Pastor's Kid'

You need to treat the 'pastor's kids' the same as every other sinner.

Pastor's Kids
Plus Thoughts on Departing Volunteers

How to cope when you lose a key volunteer in your ministry.

Departing Volunteers
Plus Through the Eyes of a Child

12 short but meaningful tips on how to be a thoughtful teacher of children.

Relating to Children
Plus Tips for Student Participation in Large Group

Give yourself a break and use these tips for active participation during large group time. 

Management, Large Group
Plus Top 5 Reasons to have VBS

Is it worth the stress to run a VBS each year?

Plus Training Kids to be Truthful and Kind

Are your kids meat-eaters and bone-spitters? We need to train them in clarity and charity. 

Truth and Kindness
Free Training Volunteers in the 21st Century

Don't have time for volunteer training? Think again. Use these tips to fit it into any schedule...and get a great turn out too!

Volunteer Training
Plus Training Your Volunteers on How to Work With Children of Divorce

Here are some ways that you can train your volunteers to help them minister to children of divorce or children from single-parent homes.

Training Volunteers
Plus 'Twas the Night Before Christmas Poem for Kidmin Workers

A poem to send to your volunteers to show your appreciation this Christmas.

Volunteer Appreciation
Plus Understanding Your Child's Temperament

While this article is written for parents, it can be easily applied to the kids in your care on Sundays or during the week. The better we understand a child's temperament, the better we can understand and love the child. 

Relationships, Parents
Plus Volunteer "Benefit Package"

Preparing your "benifit package" for your volunteers

Starter Volunteer Appreciation for Valentine's Day

Valentine's activity for children to show appreciation for kid-min workers

Volunteer Appreciation
Plus Volunteer Engagement: How To Keep Volunteers Involved In Your Ministry

How to keep volunteers engaged in your ministry

Volunteers, Involvement
Free Volunteer Recruitment is Fun

Make recruiting fun while you purposefully involve your volunteers in the process.

Volunteers, Relationships
Free What Do You Consider a "WIN" for Your Volunteers?

What areas are you working on and seeking to move your volunteers forward in?

Plus What Should We Teach Our Kids?

Children are open to hearing the Gospel. Are you speaking it?

Sharing the Gospel Message
Free When Kidmin Breaks Your Heart

God reached down and touched our hearts thru Jesus. He wants us to do the same for the hurting families and children in our midst.

Leadership, Caring
Plus When You Say 'Easy', They Hear 'Unimportant'

Are you making it too 'easy' for volunteers? Maybe it's time to challenge them. 

Recruiting, Training Volunteers
Plus Where Do You Place Your Hope?

Do we place our hope in God, or in man?

Plus Who is Responsible to Disciple my Kids?

Who is Responsible to Disciple my Kids - the church or me?

Plus Who Wants to Be a Volunteer?

When you ask a group of adults to volunteer, the crickets start chirping and everyone in the audience tries especially hard not to make eye contact with the person asking the question. But children have an inate desire to serve. Let that eagerness inspire you. 

Plus Why Do Behavior Problems Escalate When There is a Divorce?

Read the causes of unruly kids during and after divorce. 

Behavior, Divorce
Plus Why People Aren't Excited about Your Children's Ministry

Do you feel tired and frustrated by the lack of support and excitement for your ministry? Here are strategic questions to ask to help you examine why.

Vision, Volunteers, Parents
Free Why We Need Sunday School Ministry

Do we really need to have Sunday School classes?  

Teaching and Training
Plus Winter Coloring Page "Give God Praise"

A simple yet fun way for kids to be reminded to praise God in every circumstance. 

Fun, Coloring, Activity
Plus Words of Affirmation

Huge list of phrases you can tell your kids or volunteers to encourage them and affirm them

Encouragement, Volunteers
Plus Worship Response Stations

Use these worship station ideas to allow kids to express themselves in ways that they are most comfortable. 

Worship, Object Lessons
Plus Pizza Pun Volunteer Thank You Note

Just a punny pizza-themed note for saying thanks.

Volunteer Appreciation
Starter Recruitment Idea

A great source for volunteers on Sunday mornings.

Recruitment, Volunteers
Plus Christmas Gift of Appreciation

Seeing how important volunteers are in ministry, but having limited resources, we came apon this idea that many went "head over heels"about.

Inexpensive Gift for Volunteers
Plus Christmas Worker Appreciation Event

Christmas time is a great time to express appreciation to the people you work with through the year

Taking care of volunteers
Plus Having trouble getting people to show up on time?

Incentive to reward people for showing up on time to serve.

Volunteer Incentives
Plus Simple way to say...

Simple and inexpensive way to let your volunteers know you appreciate them.

Volunteer appreciations
Plus Volunteer Application

This is the application I use with all my volunteers in my Children's ministry.

Screening Volunteers
Starter Kids Ministry VIP room

Create a room for your kids ministry volunteers to get a few refreshments before or after their scheduled time to serve. This not only gives them a place to get to know other volunteers in the kids ministry, gives them natural things like food and drinks, but it shows them that you're thinking about them. I guarantee it'll be the talk of the church.

Volunteer Appreciation
Plus Volunteer Appreciation

Just a way to show our volunteers that we love them!

M-Azing Volunteer
Starter Sample Volunteer Letters

This is a bonus download for Kidology's Ultimate Toolbox for Children's Ministry. 

Bonus Toolbox Resource
Plus 5 Tips for Helping Kids Navigate the Bible

How can God’s Word truly plant itself in a kid’s heart if they don’t know how to read it for themselves?

Bible Study
Plus Appreciation Luncheon

A way to serve your volunteers...

Volunteer Appreciation
Starter Five Things That CM Volunteers Need

I believe there are a number of ways in which children's ministry volunteers need support from their leaders. In this article I briefly explore five key things that seem relevant in just about any ministry context. Use these ideas to spark creativity in your own leadership.

Leading Volunteers
PLUS Membership 2025 Recruiting Tools - Fishing KidCheck Curls 2025 Gospel Colors PastorKarl.com Kidology's Ultimate Toolbox for Children's Ministr My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Unit 14 - Old Testament ToyBox Tales Kidmin Talk Podcast
Need Curriculum?

Check out Bible Basics
Kidology's 3-Year Curriculum

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