Stories Zone

Tell me a Story!

It's a proven fact - not only do children enjoy a good story - but it is the best way they learn! Let our Stories Content Zone help you teach them!

For children under ten, stories act as definitions, since they can't think abstractly yet. They need stories to wrap their minds around a topic or subject. Children need spiritual concepts translated into everyday life! And that's what stories do best!

Do you have a favorite story that your kids love? Get it published... submit your story here!

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Plus 20 Large Pepperoni Pizzas To Go, Please

Sure enough, after 10 days, Daniel and his friends were healthier and stronger than the ones who had eaten the royal food. From then on Daniel and his friends were allowed to follow God and eat what God had commanded.

Old Testament Bible Stories
Plus 50 Bicycles from Grampa

A boy believes that he is getting 50 bicycles from his grandpa, when really he is getting 50 bicycle playing cards.

Plus A Celebration

Just think, when Samson put his hands on those pillars, his arms were stretched out just like Jesus stretched out his arms on the cross. Samson pushed with all his might, and he brought the whole weight of that temple of evil down upon himself.

Old Testament Stories
Plus A Christmas Wish

Jesus really was born in a stable in a little town called Bethlehem 2000 years ago. He really did come to die on a cross so that we can live with Him forever.

Plus A Covenant With God

God said to Abram, “From you and your children will come so many people that they will become nations. From now on your name shall be Abraham, which means, ‘the Father of Many Nations’.”

Bible Stories
Plus A Game Of Solids And Stripes

Jacob said, “I have served you well for the last twenty years. You have become rich because God was with me. He has blessed me in everything I did.

Bible Stories
Plus A Love Story

Laban said to him, “It isn’t our custom to give the younger daughter in marriage before the older. Work for me another seven years, and I will give you Rachel as well.”

Bible Stories
Plus A Mysterious Visitor

"A man came to me today - and I think he was an angel!" she said. "He didn't tell me his name, or where he was from, but he said we are going to have a son!"

Old Testament Stories
Plus A picture of peace

Peace means to be in the midst of all those things and still be calm in your heart.

Plus A Sad Day

Adam and Eve leave the Garden of Eden.

Bible Stories
Plus A Story About Honesty and Truthfulness

The enemy loves to keep reminding you of your past wrong doing. In this way, he keeps you as his slave. However, Jesus Christ was standing at the window and He has seen everything we have ever done wrong, but because He loves you, He has forgiven you.

God's forgiveness
Plus A Wife For Isaac

Isaac took Rebekah by the hand, and soon after she became his wife. God had brought the two together, and they loved each other deeply.

Bible Stories
Plus A Winner's Prayer

God Answers a Surprise Prayer Request.

Plus Acknowledging Section

Many people accept God, but they do not acknowledge Him.

St. Peter
Plus An Ugly Unwanted Dog Turned Hero!

An Ugly Unwanted Dog Turned Hero!

Something ugly can be beautiful!
Plus Anybody Got Any Dramamine?

Noah was 601 years old when he left the ark. And was he ever glad to be walking on dry ground again!

Bible Stories
Plus Are you God?

Gods love

Christian Living
Plus Are You Wearing my Hair?

This is a story about giving and the reason we give. We give because God is giving and it testifies about Him, when we show love to others. It is important to love people even if it may mean showing love to people we may never meet.

Everyone has something to give. Our gifts show lov
Plus Baby Wars

God saw that Jacob loved Rachel more than Leah. He also saw how it hurt Leah to be loved less.

Bible Stories
Plus Baseball Story

The Lord's Team vs. Satan's Team

God's Grace
Plus Bible-Quotin' Bill and the Sword of the Spirit

The Dark Evil Man and the Sword of the Spirit

Sword of the Spirit
Plus Big Trouble

Eve is tempted in the Garden of Eden.

Bible Stories
Plus Bloom Where You Are Planted

Trevor learns from a talking flower that it isn't so bad to be re-planted somewhere new!

Learning to accept your circumstances cheerfully.
Plus Breakfast at McDonalds

God wants us to reach out with love and compassion to each and every person who we see in the world.

Christian Living
Plus Bricks of Life!

Take time to listen to God's leading.

Act of Kindness
Plus Chicken Dog

Story of a farmer who had some animal attacking his chickens in the night.

Plus Confessing your Sins

The true reason Jesus died was so that God could freely forgive the sins (wrongdoings) of everyone who admits to Jesus they have sinned and asks for forgiveness.

Plus Corrie Ten Boom and Forgiveness

There is a lesson here about forgiveness and our reliance on God to help with an expression of that forgiveness

Plus Crack Pot

A cracked pot discovers that his flaw has helped the world in a different way, rather than just carrying water.

Plus Crutches on the Altar

Christian Living

Christian Living
Plus Daddy's Pearls

A little girl learns the value of trusting her father's love.

Trusting Those Who Love You
Plus Darts

A young lady named Sally relates an experience she had in a seminary class given by her teacher, Dr. Smith. She says Dr. Smith was known for his elaborate object lessons.

Matthew 24:40
Plus Dinner with Jesus

"Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord!"

Plus Everybody Needs A Friend

God creates Eve to complete Adam.

The creation story
Plus Faith Tested but Finally Triumphant

A wonderfully powerful story of the ability of a young child to accept Jesus and begin a life long journey of following Christ!

Faith, trusting Jesus
Plus Faith Tested But Finally Triumphant

A story of a 17 year old girl having her Faith in Jesus Christ being tested by her boss.

Plus Faithful Fred and the Invisible Sheild

The Dark Evil Man and the Shield of Faith

Shield of Faith
Plus Feast of Trumpets

A man that is very generous is asked to deliver a present to a person in the mountains.

Fall Feasts
Plus Fiery Faith

A little girl demonstrates that FAITH is active trust is something you can not see based upon love.

Plus Fire And Rain

The evil in Sodom was so bad that it was like a terrible, rotten smell that reached all the way to heaven. And so God decided it was time to put an end to it.

Bible Stories
Starter For God So Loved the World

It is a story about learning and understanding John 3:16

Plus Four Trees in a Forest

God will do great things if you let Him.

Christian Life
Plus French Fries

The path to greater giving is the same as the path to richer living. It is faith and trust in God.

Plus French Fries

The reason we should give to God is because we have received.

Following Jesus
Plus Funny Isn't It?

This story reminds us what is really important in life.

Plus Get your own dirt

God is the creator.

Plus Go Back To Bethel

One day a king would be born from Jacob’s family. He will be the King of Kings, and the land that he will rule, he will rule forever.

Old Testament Stories
Plus God Provides

A missionary prays for a miracle. God showed that He was real and that He loved the people. Many people started to follow Jesus because of the great miracle that happened.

Missions, Prayer, Faith
Plus God Will Provide The Lamb

God loves us more than we will probably ever know. And there is not even the smallest smidge of bad in Him. God cannot do anything mean or evil.

Bible Stories
Plus God's Amazing Plan

All our sins have been paid for by the highest price in all the universe. They have been paid for by the blood of Jesus.

New Testament Stories
PLUS Membership 2025 Recruiting Tools - Fishing KidCheck YouthCheck Drummer 2025 Gospel Colors U-Turn Cards Gospel Presentation Learn about DiscipleTown My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Unit 11 - How to Discover Gifts Order of the Ancient Kidology Store
Kidology Curriculum

Kids Church Lessons
written by the Kidologist!

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