Flatman and Bobbin Zone

Over 20 years ago, Kidology founder Karl Bastian invented Flatman and Bobbin with the classic puppet script about when Flatman and Bobbin get saved. Since then, many others, inspired by this bumbling duo have written their own scripts, posted YouTube videos, and kept the legend of Flatman and Bobbin alive and growing.

The Flatman & Bobbin Zone is dedicated to the bumbling efforts of these intrepid heroes! Feel free to use the scripts you'll find here for your own puppet shows and dramas, and to write and post your own too! Also included are complete lessons that included the scripts.

And Karl would love to see pictures of YOUR Flatman and Bobbin. Just post in the Kidology Facebook Group!

Get the Flat Script Book - a collection of 24 drama/puppet scripts featuring our bumbling duo super zeroes teaching biblical truths!

This collection features the 5 original scripts by Karl, as well as 19 additional scripts contributed by others in kidmin. The 74-page collection features both PDF and Microsoft Word versions to download so you can modify easily for your own use.

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Membership Levels:
Guest Starter Members
Level Title Topic
Starter Flatman and Bobbin #1 The Bumbling Duo Discover the Gospel!

Two bumbling superheroes find a pamphlet with the words "The Gospel" written on it. They put it in a decoder and heed the message.  

Plus Flatman and Bobbin #2 The Dynamite Donut Detonator!

The bumbling superheroes are back and find out that a criminal they had put in jail has been released. They first are convinced that he must have tricked the guards. They later learn that he is helping out a soup kitchen feeding the poor, thus learning that nobody is beyond hope.  

Plus Flatman and Bobbin #3 The Destructo!

The Bumbling Duo save Messyopolis by discovering the secret to defeating The Destructo and learn that everyone needs encouragement!  

Plus Flatman and Bobbin Save Mother's Day! (#4)

The bumbling duo saves the world from a mother who was forgotten on Mother's Day—and all children are warned to love their mothers.

Mother's Day
Plus Flatman and Bobbin Discover the Trinity (#5)

The Bumbling Duo Discover and Discuss the Trinity.  

Plus Bobbin Learns About Power

Exciting puppet script that will teach your kids about power through this humerous skit.

Power, Superhero
Plus Flatman & Bobbin and the Deeply Deranged Divider

Flatman and Bobbin face off against the Deeply Deranged Divider, a bitter ex-superhero. They learn to forgive each other, and help the Deeply Deranged Divider forgive also.

Plus Flatman & Bobbin Discover their Purpose

Flatman and Bobbin learn that God has a purpose for their lives through use of the Super Sonic Sound Simplifier (a listening device, we used a megaphone and headphones)

God has a purpose for everyone's life
Plus Flatman & Bobbin on YouTube

Some Flatman and Bobbin Live Action Videos from YouTube  

Flatman Videos
Plus Flatman & Bobbin Search for the Holy Spirit

Flatman and Bobbin learn to listen to the Holy Spirit.  

Holy Spirit
Plus Flatman & Bobbin try to do what is right

Bobbin has a decision-making crisis when he worries aboutalways doing the right thing.  

Doing the Right thing
Plus Flatman and Bobbin - Be Yourself

Bobbin learns an important lesson in that he doesn't need to change himself to please other people. God created you the way you are for His glory.  

Unique, Special
Plus Flatman and Bobbin - Big Church

Get ready for promotion Sunday with this fun skit starring superheros Flatman and Bobbin.

Promotion Sunday, Church
Plus Flatman and Bobbin - Friendship

Flatman and Bobbin learn about choosing good friends  

Plus Flatman and Bobbin - The Babylonian Earth-Scorcher

The Bumbling Duo learn about the Exodus while saving the Messyopolis water supply    

Plus Flatman and Bobbin - The Curse of the Worshipless Germ

Flatman and Bobbin go against a foe to wants to prevent them from worshipping  

Plus Flatman and Bobbin - The Grinch who stole Easter

Flatman and Bobbin rediscover Jesus' death and resurrection

Plus Flatman and Bobbin - The Talent Crisis

Bobbin discovers that he doesn't have to go out of his way to create new talents. God has already gifted him with everything he needs to serve his savior.  

Using our talents for Christ
Plus Flatman and Bobbin and the Instructions

The adventures of Flatman and Bobbin continue as they struggle with obeying instructions.

Instructions, Listening, Rules
Plus Flatman and Bobbin and the Quiet Time

Flatman and Bobbin deal with quiet time as they talk about Devo Boy.

Devotional, Prayer, Devo
Plus Flatman and Bobbin and Unmerciful Man

Flatman and Bobbin wrestle with mercy in this exciting puppet skit.

Mercy, Sin
Plus Flatman and Bobbin Befriend Unfriendlyman

The bumbling duo, Flatman and Bobbin, make an arrest. This skit is a hunt for the no good do-badder Unfriendlyman.

Friendship, Kindness
Plus Flatman and Bobbin Confront Church Skipper

Flatman and Bobbin learn about God's heart and Church as they attempt to make a controversial arrest.

Church, Fellowship
Plus Flatman and Bobbin Discover the Meaning of Faith

Flatman and Bobbin get fired and must convince the mayor to have faith in them. But first they must learn about faith themselves.  

Plus Flatman and Bobbin Go Into All The World

Flatman and Bobbin learn the Great Commission.  

Free Flatman and Bobbin Go to CPC

How can Flatman and Bobbin get the help they need to serve as volunteers at church? Why go to CPC, of course!

Children's Pastors Conference
Plus Acts 1 - The Ultimate Super Hero

This lesson can serve as an Easter lesson as well as an introduction to a unit on the book of Acts. Kids love super heroes because (like adults) kids both wish they were more powerful and that they could have help when in need. Well, Jesus meets both those needs. When we need help – He is there, and He invites us to more than just ordinary people, he calls us to be heroes for him! A hero is someone who puts the needs of others above their own needs, and kids do that every time they witness for God! Jesus proved he was the ultimate super hero because not only could he do amazing things, but he did something no else had ever done or ever will do: He was able to raise Himself from the dead! And if he can raise himself, he most certainly can raise us too!

Jesus - Easter
Plus Acts 2 - Bad Guy, Turned Good

Every kid has people in their life that seem hopelessly lost. Bullies that pick on them, or stuck up girls that look down on them, or mean adults who make life hard. It is easy to write them off as ‘bad people’ but kids need to learn that everyone is loved by God and no one is a ‘lost cause’ or beyond God’s reach. It may surprise them to learn that the Apostle Paul was once an arch enemy of God – he deserved to be ‘zapped’ but God chose instead to forgive Saul and turn his zeal and energy to good, and renamed him Paul. Kids need to pray for and be hopeful for even the meanest and toughest people in their lives, if they can learn to do that, they will be started on the path to being a change agent in the lives of others their whole life!  

Conversion of Paul
Plus Acts 3 - The Encourager

Everyone loves to be encouraged! We all like compliments and pats on the back. Barnabus was given his name because he was known for encouragement. This lesson’s aim is to challenge kids to become encouragers – to be the kind of kids that build others up rather than tear others down. Our human instinct when we are hurt or attacks is to tear the other down, but in this lesson they will learn that when they build others up – everyone succeeds!  

Plus Acts 4 - Godly Gals

This lesson uses the examples of several women in the book Acts to teach that we need to discover what our gifts and abilities are, and then use them for God and His Kingdom!

Mother's Day
Plus Acts 5 - Stand Up Guys

The book of Acts contains amazing stories of faith and courage. It is easy to think of these heroes as being extra special or extra spiritual, but they were ordinary people, just like us! Kids can be challenged to be bold and brave for God in their neighborhoods and schools!

Bravery / Witnessing
PLUS Membership 2025 Kidology Theorem Book - Right KidCheck Girl 2025 FUNtastic Bible Activity Book 88 Games with 8 Objects Book Learn about DiscipleTown My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Unit 15 - Respect U-Turn Cards Kidmin Talk Podcast
Kidology Curriculum

Kids Church Lessons
written by the Kidologist!

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