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Task Management: Obstacles & Solutions

Membership Level Guest

Author/Source: Todd McKeever

Topic: Task Management, Leadership

Which of these obstacles are keeping you from managing your tasks well? The solutions are here!

I spend every month with my coaching protegés working on their task management skills. It is a firm belief of mine that those of us in children’s ministry need to be some of the best task managers around.

Name any other ministry in the church that has to oversee one of the largest (if not the largest) volunteer base, run our own worship, reach so many generations of people (including their parents and grandparents, because every family member needs to know what is going on). We also need to run training for more diverse groups, outreach, events, etc. The list just goes on and on. Because of these things, we need to become better in task management.


Here is a list of potential obstacles that could hinder your task management:

  • Data overload: You have a constant collection of emails, text messages, IMs, and news pouring into your inbox. When you have a new notification, do you automatically STOP what you are doing, click, read, close? This takes up time, removes your focus, and interrupts your work flow.
  • Lack of focus: Jumping around between tasks decreases productivity and output. Multitasking is not what it’s cracked up to be. Stick with one task, finish it, and move on.
  • Procrastination: When you consistently put off tasks, you end up in a time crunch and can miss deadlines or leave things undone.
  • Distractions: These take you away from the task, cut into your time, and diminish your focus. Sometimes it is good to be unavailable in this incredibly ever-growing world of connectedness.
  • Disorganization: When you misplace files or lose things, you must waste time searching.
  • Being a digital hoarder: When your inbox and folders are overstuffed, you spend more time searching for documents and emails. This inefficiency can use up too much of your time.


“You can manage information and the interruptions, but the problem doesn’t lie in the amount of information and interruptions. The problem lies with our methods of processing that information and handling the interruptions.”


Here are some suggestions to get organized:

  • Chunk your daily schedule with like-minded tasks.
  • Schedule your email-checking for specific times of the day and stick to it. It’s amazing how many people wait to get a response from you over their email that they sent to you.
  • Use your calendar to schedule appointments and to-do’s.
  • Use the S.M.A.R.T.E.R. system.
  • Keep your workplace organized and clear your working area at the end of the day.
  • Practice the art of delegation.
  • Turn off the television.


Outside of these quick task management ideas, I would suggest getting a coach who can help develop these concepts more with you.

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