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The Forgotten Value of Asking Questions

Membership Level Guest

Author/Source: Brian Dollar

Topic: Leadership

Do you help lead in a children's ministry? Don't forget the value of asking important questions like these!

I have observed over the years that many Kidmin Leaders make the mistake of “arriving” in ministry.  They achieve a certain level of “success” and decide they know it all (or at least all they care to know).

When this happens, they move into protectionism.  They are constantly trying to protect their reputation as a “knowledgeable and capable leader.”  I have watched as these leaders begin to sink because they are not willing to do something that could help them keep rising in leadership: ASK QUESTIONS.

Admitting they don’t know it all and asking others for their input is difficult for insecure leaders.  Sadly, they miss out on incredible opportunities to continue growing when they fail to ask questions.  Here are some of the questions I ask and the people I ask them to:


My Pastor/Boss

  • Is there anything I am not doing in ministry that you would like to see me begin doing?

  • Is there anything I AM doing in ministry that you would like to see me STOP doing?

  • Is there any area of growth in my life that you see needs to be addressed?

  • What can I do to serve you better?

  • What can I do to serve my team better?

  • What is the biggest challenge you face in leading me?

  • How can I pray for you and your family?


My Team

  • What is the biggest challenge you find in having me as a leader?

  • What is the biggest thing you appreciate about my leadership?

  • What is one thing I can do NOW to help you grow personally?

  • How can I pray for you and your family?


The Parents in My Ministry

  • What are the ways we can serve you better as a parent?

  • What is the thing we do BEST as a ministry?

  • What is the area we most need to IMPROVE?
  • How can I pray for you and your family?


Take some time in the coming weeks and meet with your pastor, team members, and a group of parents in your ministry.  Ask some of these questions, and avoid the tendency to have a rebuttal to their answers. After all, the goal is to GAIN KNOWLEDGE not prove them wrong.  They will be impressed with your desire to grow.  And you just might gain some information you were not aware of that may take your ministry effectiveness to the next level.

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