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'Hire Me' Resume!

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Author/Source: Pastor Karl Bastian, the Kidologist

Topic: Job Hunting and Resumes

You can put together a plain 'ol résumé, or you can create one that demonstrates the creativity and effort and zeal that you will put into your ministry once you are hired!

Let's be honest – the purpose of a résumé is to get noticed, and ultimately hired! Does your resume say "Hire Me!", or does it blend in with the crowd? The day of the boring black and white résumé is over. The standard résumé you see today seems to have forgotten that the Age of Typewriters is over. You can put together a plain 'ol résumé, or you can create one that demonstrates the creativity and effort and zeal that you will put into your ministry once you are hired!



Here are some tips to make your résumé say, "Hire Me!"

1. Do Something Different
Churches looking to hire have a lot of résumés to go through. Do something that floats yours to the top of the stack! Use color, it's worth the extra ink! Incorporate ministry logos and design. Don't make it so busy or obnoxious that it gives the reader a headache, but children's ministry is fun and churches are looking for someone that will approach ministry with a creative and innovative spirit. If that's you, your résumé ought to show it!

Think of your résumé as a commercial, not just a piece of paper with contact and biographical information. You've got to sell yourself. Your resume should say, "Look what I can do" or "Here's a sample of my work." A résumé that brings on yawns suggests your work will too, even if that's not true. All they have is your résumé – make it count by making it noticeable!

2. Answer Their Questions
Where you live and where you've worked are not at the top of the list of what churches are looking for. They'll get to that once they like you. References, as well, are not as important as the passion, energy, and ideas that you will bring to a church's children's ministry. (Everyone can find somebody to say nice stuff about them.) Instead, try to get to the heart of what churches are looking for. They've got questions – you've got answers!

Include your philosophy of ministry and list your operating values. Don't make your objective, "To get a job as a children's pastor" but "to change the world by reaching children for Christ." See the difference? Your goal isn't a job, it is a chance to impact the lives of children – and that's why churches are hiring a children's pastor or director... they want to reach and teach kids. They are wondering about your ideas, your approach, your philosophy – how will you address the ministry. And they are wondering whether you are teachable and flexible. You need to intrique them with ideas and goals that make them say, "We gotta talk to this person."

3. Provide Samples
Churches are wondering two things – how is your walk with God (character) and what can you do (skill). Both are important to include in your résumé. First and foremost, a strong church wants to be confident that you know Christ and that you are walking with him. Include your salvation testimony and some statement of your walk with God today. No need to be Super Christian, honesty will go much farther than painting a perfect picture, but it is important that you are confident that you are on the right track spiritually.

You can only lead others where you yourself have been, so your walk with God is critical. However, that accomplished, there is a job to do as well, and you need to convince those hiring that you've got what it takes to get the job done well. Provide some samples in your résumé – ministry brochure, event flyers, goal worksheets, letters of thanks or recommendation from others – anything that will make them think, "This looks great – wouldn't it be great to have that at our church?"

Make your goal to provide enough to cause someone to say, "Hey, you gotta take a look at this one – it looks promising!" In the end, your trust is in God, not your résumé, but it is important to do your part to get the process started. If you've got one of those black and white, contact info, bio, and references only résumés, it is time to start over, add some flash and fun and then get ready for the phone to ring!

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