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How To Get Rest in the Busyness of Summer

Membership Level Guest

Author/Source: Janelle Hoos

Topic: Rest for Leaders

How children's ministry leaders can enjoy their summer and find rest in busyness.

Summer is busy! For a lot of children’s ministry pastors and leader, summer is not a time of rest. Day camps, sports camps, VBS, backyard Bible clubs, Bible camp, junior church, nursery, summer Sunday School, children’s features in the main service – and don’t forget to plan for the fall! But children’s ministry leaders can still enjoy their summer and find rest in the busyness.

1. Acknowledge the fact that summer is a busy time in children’s ministry.

When most other ministries are gearing down, children’s ministry is gearing up! Summer is busy for those in children’s ministry. That’s just the way it is. Now, do something about it.

2. Plan for it.

You know summer is going to be a busy time, so plan for it. Be prepared. Organize yourself and your schedule. Prepare as much as possible ahead of time. Plan out when you will be busy with programs and when you have some time to plan and prepare for the fall. Book it into your schedule.

And then, plan for rest times for yourself. Give yourself some days of rest. It may not be possible to take your holidays over the summer and that’s okay. You can still have some rest days and some long weekends. Take a Sunday off! It’s okay!

Be prepared and organized. Plan for your busy summer and for your days of rest.

3. Delegate.

Once you have your plan in place, it’s time to delegate. You don’t have to do everything! Give over leadership so that you can take a bit of a break. Maybe you really love VBS. Delegate some of the other summer ministries so that you can focus on VBS. Let your delegated leader find volunteers and prepare for their program. Delegate so that you can rest!

4. Learn to rest in the midst of the busyness.

This is a hard thing for some people. But it is possible to find rest in the midst of the busiest times!

Spiritual rest – don’t neglect your quiet times with God. “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30

Physical rest – don’t neglect meals. Take half an hour to an hour for lunch (and don’t feel bad doing it.) Eat a healthy meal and relax! Don’t think about work! Get outside and take a short walk. Don’t neglect sleep. Allow yourself time to sleep!

Summer is busy! But children’s ministry leaders can still enjoy their summer and find rest in the busyness.

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