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Talk on The Incredibles

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Author/Source: Ellie Dingess

Topic: Using a Movie

How to use The Incredibles to build up your kids!

I just wanted to share what I did in one of my chapels with my kids. I teach an elementary chapel and I have Kindergarten through the 5th grade. I used the movie as a kick off point to bring the follow lessons:

1. Mr. Incredible - he has a gift of strength. I shared that the Bible tells in Phil 4:13 that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. So we have ultimate strength for anything that God sends our way. So we are incredible. Each child has the power of God available to them at all times that makes them incredible too.

2. Elasti-Girl - her gift was the ability to stretch. I shared about how everyday God is stretching us. Every day we are provided with the chance to stretch and grow. I shared how possibly God was stretching them to be kind to kids who were mean to them and maybe being nice to the kid who nobody wants to be friends with and to apply themselves more to their studies and homework or chores. We too have the power to stretch and God knows just how far we can stretch and He will stretch us a little each day if we let him. So again not only do we have incredible strength like Mr. Incredible, we have the ability to stretch like Elasti-girl.

3. Dash - he had great speed. He wanted to use his gift of speed to race. I explained that at the end of the movie, his mom and dad only wanted Dash to finish the race and it wasn't important that he win. I spoke about how we are in a race. We are trying to finish this life and bring glory to God in all we do as well as bringing as many with us as we can. It doesn't matter if you finish first because with God, no matter where you place, you are a winner. God just wants us to finish the race the best we can. So we are always winners with God so that makes us incredible too.

4. Violet - she had the ability to create a force field to protect herself and her family. We too have the power to produce a force field. Violet always used her hands when she wanted to produce the force field. I likened this to how when we bow our heads and fold our hands we too can create a force field through prayer. God desires to protect us and our families. We must constantly be in prayer for our loved ones and those around us to keep them protected from all that Satan is trying to throw at them. We can make a force field too.

5. Frozone - He could use the moisture in his body or in the air to produce ice that would help those in need. I spoke of the Holy Spirit being like the water that Frozone needed. If Frozone was dry, he couldn't help those around him and produce ice. He had to be full of liquid or water. Just like him, we need to be full of the Holy Spirit so we can give to others what they need. When we are dry, we can reach out to God and ask that He fills us again so that we can touch those around us. He will guide us to do the right thing no matter what obstacles we face.

In short, not only are we strong like Mr. Incredible, but we are also stretched like Elasti-girl, we can produce a force field like Violet and we are winners in this race we are in, and we always have the Hoy Spirit around us and in us to give to others what they need and what we need to help them and ourselves. We are truly incredible. No matter what anyone says to you, remember that in Christ you are truly incredible.

I wore a tee-shirt with a mock design of The Incredibles logo with the "i" in the center, but inside the "i" I put the word "Jesus" to let them know that He was what truly makes us incredible.

We left chapel by saying I am an Incredible!! I hope it left a lasting impression. The kids I saw later that day would come up and tell me "I'm incredible" and I could respond "You truly are incredible and always remember that no matter what!"

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