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Teen Training Session

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Author/Source: Karl Bastian

Topic: Teen Volunteer Training

Here is everything you need to hold a Teen Training Volunteer Session to inspire, instruct and instill confidence in your youth volunteers.

Teen volunteers can be amazing and helpful, but they can also present unique challenges due to their youthful age and lack of experience. Here you will find an editable PowerPoint that I use for Teen Training at my church. Also included is a sample of some note taking sheets I provided.

I also provided for the teens copies of our children’s ministry policies and procedures. (Not included here as you should use your own.)

Make the most of the secret agent theme. I put out lots of spy gadgets, magnifying glasses, etc. and gave them all a manila folder to put their papers in. I printed and attached stickers of the attached CLASSIFIED image, as well as our children’s ministry logo.

When it comes to training teenagers, you need to make it fun and engaging – otherwise they will zone out as you droll on about policies and procedures… but they can take their role seriously if you inspire them to do so!

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