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Ministry Reflections

Membership Level Starter

Author/Source: Karl Bastian

Topic: Toolbox Introduction PDF

This is a bonus download from the Introduction Section of Kidology's Ultimate Toolbox for Children's Ministry.


This 4 page file is titled Ministry Reflections. 


For a complete list of the downloads files, videos and related links from Karl's book, visit:

If you haven't already, Order Kidology's Ultimate Toolbox for Children's Ministry today!

It is loaded with practical help and tools to help you build a ministry that will stand the test of time!

"I wrote this book after decades of ministry in churches of all sizes. I wanted to share what I have learned, often the hard way, and share the tools I have collected, the mistakes I have made, and the insights I have gained along the way. I'm so excited to share my toolbox with you!" - Pastor Karl Bastian

Starter Members can download these files for free. Log in or sign up to access these downloads. 

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