ZonesParenting › Kidmin Talk #120 - October 16th, 2019

Kidmin Talk #120 - October 16th, 2019

Membership Level Guest

Author/Source: Karl Bastian

Topic: Outreach Tool, Object Lesson, Conferences, & More!

Kidmin Talk #120 - Karl Bastian, founder of, shares a musical outreach tool, a crazy object lesson, updates on conferences he'll be at and his first Kidology Kidminism. Listen to be Equipped and Encouraged!

This post is located in the following zone(s): Kidologists ZoneParenting
Kidology Theorem Book - Right Recruiting Tools - Fishing KidCheck Stars FUNtastic Bible Activity Book Kidology's Ultimate Toolbox for Children's Ministr My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Unit 13 - New Testament Order of the Ancient Kidology Store
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