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Shorter Attention Span: Kids or Goldfish?

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Author/Source: David and Teesha Laflin

Topic: Attention Span

If you work with kids, you know how challenging it can be to keep their attention.


Average Attention Span of a Goldfish: 9 Seconds

Average Attention Span of a Person: 8 Seconds


Has it been eight seconds? Hopefully you are still reading. I guess it depends if you can make it this far in eight seconds!

In 2015 "Time" posted an article based on a Microsoft study that said people have a shorter attention span than goldfish - wow!

If you work with kids, you know how challenging it can be to keep their attention.

TED talks are 18 minutes or less. If the best speakers in the world keep their presentations under 18 minutes how are you supposed to hold the attention of kids for an hour? Here are some small tips that we hope will help.

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