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Six Ways to Motivate Your Team in Challenging Times

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Author/Source: KidCheck


Here are six ideas to build an engaged and motivated team no matter the circumstances.

Every person is motivated by different things. For some, it is money, others it’s flexibility or a promotion. Motivation is the process of inspiring people to accomplish individual or team goals, and there is a direct correlation between it and success. While all this sounds straightforward, motivation can be a bit more challenging in times of transition or difficulty.

A lack of motivation can be caused by numerous factors such as boredom, heavy workload, feeling under-appreciated or low confidence in leadership decisions or direction. Here are six ideas to build an engaged and motivated team no matter the circumstances.

  1. Get to Know Your Team – Meet with each member consistently, both individually and as an overall team. The biggest drivers of performance are being seen, heard, and respected. People value connection, and having a close, supportive relationship with your team helps them stay engaged, motivated, and performing.


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