ZonesPastoral Struggles and Advice › THE #1 LEADERSHIP TRAIT THAT MIGHT SURPRISE YOU


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Author/Source: Karl Bastian

Topic: Kindness in Ministry

If I were to ask you, "What is the most important skill for a ministry leader to have for success?" what would your answer be?

If I were to ask you, "What is the most important skill for a ministry leader to have for success?" what would your answer be?

You might answer organization, or administration, or communication, or vision, or something more spiritual like humility, or discernment, or integrity – and all of those and a host of others would be good answers. Every week in this series I write about different traits that are critical for ministry success, but since you’ve already read the WORD for this article, you've been tipped off to the answer to my question: KINDNESS.

Could KINDNESS really be the single most important trait of a leader? 

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