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Author/Source: Karl Bastian

Topic: Teamwork in Ministry

A ministry built on one person will not last.

I have met thousands of children’s ministry leaders over the years. Whenever I have met one who is weary, stressed, and on the verge of quitting, my first question is, “Do you have a leadership team?” Nearly every time the answer is no. Next, I start to hear all the reasons why they don’t have a leadership team. I’ve heard all the reasons, and they aren’t reasons. They are excuses. Hear me on this: If you don’t have a leadership team, it isn’t because of a lack of people willing to serve. It is only because you have chosen not to develop a leadership team. If you determine to have a leadership team, God WILL provide the people you need.

Sharing leadership is a choice. It is an essential choice.

You simply can’t do ministry by yourself. I don’t care how small your ministry is. You need a team. Even in the smallest church, what happens if you get sick? Move? Become ill? Or (gulp) die? Should the ministry die with you? No! What will your legacy be?

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