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Feedback is Your Friend

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Author/Source: Karl Bastian

Topic: Leadership Development

Many a leader sabotaged his or her ministry simply because they were not teachable. How and why you should SEEK out feedback.


My youth pastor, Pastor Dan, used to tell us teens who were on his leadership team, that God can most use leaders who are FAT! Fat?! It was an acronym for Faithful, Available and Teachable. Most pastors and ministry leaders are faithful – and available isn’t as hard, we are quick to step up and do what’s needed. But that “teachable” part – that’s the most difficult. Many a leader sabotaged his or her ministry simply because they were not teachable. Remain teachable – regardless of your age – and you and your ministry, will continue to grow.

In any professional setting, even ministry, maintaining open communication with your boss is not just a good practice; it's essential for personal growth, team success, and organizational effectiveness. Working in a church is no different.

Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting your ministry career, understanding the importance of transparent dialogue with your lead pastor can significantly impact your career trajectory and overall job satisfaction.

Few things can sap your joy more than not getting along with “the boss.” So let me suggest some ideas for working on that relationship.

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