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Tips and Tricks for Visitor Follow-Up

Membership Level Starter

Author/Source: Karl Bastian

Topic: Family Follow-Up

A Complete Strategy for Guest Family Follow-Up

Tips and Tricks for Visitor Follow-Up


One of the most important tasks you can do each week in your children’s ministry is the personal follow up of the families that visit your church. Sure, your church sends a standard generic follow up e-mail, but you must know, the families that visited your church got one of those from every church they have visited – and likely deleted it without even reading it, because they all sound exactly the same - canned and boring.

Nothing beats a personal follow up from you – the person who was delighted to meet their child and can’t wait to see them next Sunday!

So how do you make their visit to YOUR CHURCH unique and special so their search for a church will be over? 

Please know – it won’t be the preaching or the worship that brings them back. That isn’t to be disrespectful of the adult service in any way. Unless the adult service is BAD, I’m assuming the adult service experience is fantastic everywhere. Great worship and solid preaching are essential to bringing families back, of course! But it is not the deciding factor. I have heard many times, and I am sure you have too: “We love the adult service, but I’m here because of my kid’s experience.” 

So, let’s lay out a strategy for MeetingGreeting, and Treating guests in a way that will make them want to come back again!



This won’t happen by mistake. You don’t have to copy the plan I lay out here – but HAVE A PLAN. Think it through, then execute it! Share it with your leadership and your volunteers. As the saying goes, “Make a Plan and then Work the Plan!” Put it in writing!




Be sure you notice and welcome new families when they arrive. Our check-in team isn’t called the “Check-in Team” because their job isn’t just “checking people in.” For years we used “First Impressions Team” because their mission was to provide families with a positive first impression when they visited our church. (And not just new families, our regular families deserve that too.) When the adult ministry stole that name for their greeters ministry and we had confusion with there being two First Impressions ministries, we changed our name to Family Connection Team to communicate that our mission is to connect families to our church, to each other and to our volunteers. Whatever name you use, elevate the purpose of your team to be more than merely registering people and passing out security stickers.

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