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Sharing the Gospel with Children with Disabilities

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Author/Source: Kori Buchanan

Topic: Disabilities and the Gospel

How can we share the gospel effectively with children with disabilities?

“Jessie” was a neighbor girl with cerebral palsy. For a time, my mom cared for her after school until Jessie’s parents picked her up. Each day, my mom gave Jessie a snack, and as she did, she talked to her. She’d say, “Jesus loves you, Jessie!” and she’d quote Scriptures.

Watching this as a young child, I had questions. Jessie was nonverbal. There was no way for her to respond. Would she understand what my mom was saying? Would she remember any of it?

As a teacher of students with disabilities and a children’s ministry worker, it’s my job to consider how to share the gospel effectively with children with disabilities. There is no one-size-fits-all solution. But, just like my mom, we can find creative ways to share God’s love. Here are some challenges you may encounter and strategies you can use when sharing the gospel in these situations: 


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