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T.A.L.K. Talk - The Power of Words

Membership Level All Access

Author/Source: Karl Bastian

Topic: Think Before You T.A.L.K.

The way we use our words can have a lasting impact on the people around us.

T.A.L.K. Talk

The Power of Words - Think Before You T.A.L.K.

By Pastor Karl Bastian


Introduction: The Power of Our Words


Words are powerful. The Bible says in Proverbs 18:21, "The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit." Our words can build someone up, giving them hope, encouragement, and strength, or they can tear someone down, causing hurt, pain, and discouragement. The way we use our words can have a lasting impact on the people around us. 


In James 3:5-6, we read about how the tongue, though small, can cause great destruction. It's compared to a small spark that can set a whole forest on fire. This illustrates how even a few careless words can lead to devastating consequences. But just as a spark can destroy, a word of encouragement can ignite hope and joy in someone's heart.


Object Lesson: The Toothpaste Lesson

One way to visualize this is the classic toothpaste object lesson. Have a tube of toothpaste and squeeze out a small amount onto a plate. Then ask a volunteer to try to put the toothpaste back into the tube. They’ll quickly realize it’s impossible. This demonstrates that once words are spoken, they can’t be taken back. Just like the toothpaste, once our words are out, they have an effect—good or bad—that we can’t undo.


To help us use our words wisely, let’s think before we T.A.L.K. We'll explore four key questions to ask ourselves before we speak, using each letter of the word TALK as a guide.

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