Zones › The Scriptural Mandate for Children's Ministry

The Scriptural Mandate for Children's Ministry

Membership Level Starter

Author/Source: Karl Bastian

Topic: Investing in Children

Children are not merely the future of the church; they are a vital part of it now.

Children’s Ministry is not just an optional or value-added program within the church — it is a biblical mandate. From the words of Jesus to the countless examples of young people impacting God’s Kingdom, Scripture is clear: investing in children is investing in eternity.

When the disciples tried to keep the children from Jesus, believing He was too busy with more important theological discussions, Jesus rebuked them: “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14) Not only does the Kingdom of Heaven belong to children, but Jesus also stated that unless adults come to Him with childlike faith, they will never enter it (Mark 10:15). Children are not merely the future of the church; they are a vital part of it now.

Jesus took children’s faith seriously. He warned that causing a young one to stumble is so severe that it would be better to have a millstone tied around one’s neck and be cast into the sea! (Luke 17:2) The gravity of this warning should shake us — what we do with children’s faith matters deeply to God.

Children Have Always Been Central to God’s Work...

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