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The Strategy of Jesus

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Author/Source: Pastor Todd McKeever

Topic: Leadership

Lessons that I learned from the strategic ways of Jesus. These may be quick to read but,like all of the things of Jesus, pack a great punch.

I have just had one of those moments that I just love when I am reading the Bible and all of a sudden something I read becomes so alive and real for me. This all happened real quick and boy did it help me to answer a lot of questions I have had. I am always intrigued by strategies, and by those who are strategist type people as well. I am always trying to look at things and see why they have taking place the way they have or why people do what they do, or choose what they chose etc. One great study for me is Jesus. Here is a man that had a clear vision, core values and strategy of what He was going to do. One of the most amazing things is that He had to have a precise game plan because it was only going to last about 3 ½ years and it had to continue stronger after He left for thousands of years afterward. I see that simply He had a 3 year strategy plan that included:

  • The selection and development of getting the right people on His close team
  • Leadership development of these 12 men that He chose
  • He had a Global reproduction strategy that was going to start locally there in Jerusalem and then spread into Judea, then Samaria and then globally
  • He developed job descriptions and made them clear and known by all that are on the team
  • He set up a mentoring program even though He would not be around in person

These steps can and should be a great starting point for all of us that want to grow what we are doing.

  • How are we selecting our teams? Do we even know what kind of persons we need to bring on our teams? What are we looking for?
  • When we find them how are we going to help them become better? Can they come on our teams and end up being a better person or are we having them on our teams to just get our dreams accomplished?
  • What plans have we designed to grow what we are doing? What’s it going to look like when we are done?
  • Do people know what we expect of them? Have we made it clear not just in our mind but have we made it clear to them? Do they know what will not only be expected of them but what they can expect from you?
  • Do you have stuff in place so that if they were to do what you want and they take advantage of everything you offer can they keep growing themselves? What kind of on going mentoring or continuing education is offered?

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