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The Adventures of the Four Seeds

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Author/Source: Karl Bastian

Topic: What type of seed are you?

This story is based on the parable of the sower and shows what type of seed you should be and where you should be grounded.

Once upon a time, there were four little seeds who were good friends. Their names were Sally Seed, Sandy Seed, Sammy Seed, and Sunny Seed. They all met the day they were packaged in the same seed bag and put for sale at the local gardening store. They were so excited about being planted and growing up into full-grown plants! 

Finally, the day came when they were bought by an old man with a little garden in his back yard. They were going to get to become plants at last! 

They were squealing with delight as they bounced around in the bag as the old man carried them home. After what seemed like forever, the top of the little seed bag was opened and sunlight flooded in. They had to squint as they got ready to be planted out in the sunshine...

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