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GOOD NEWS Gospel Tract

Membership Level Starter

Author/Source: Karl Bastian

Topic: The Gospel

FREE DOWNLOAD! A fun, simple and effective way for kids to share the GOOD NEWS of Jesus with their friends!

A fun, simple and effective way for kids to share the GOOD NEWS of Jesus with their friends!

We offer it here FREE FOR DOWNLOAD! 

This GOOD NEWS Gospel Tract is FREE to download and print as many copies as you'd like in order to share the GOOD NEWS of Jesus with as many people as possible. The only request we make is that YOU NOT post or host it to another website. Please direct people to to download. Thank you.

This resource is provided with a Free Starter Membership or an ALL ACCESS Membership where you also gain access to thousands of additional resources. LEARN MORE HERE.


The Good News Gospel Tract is a simple ONE PAGE tract that shares the GOOD NEWS of Jesus! You simply print two-sided, fold and share!

It is designed like a classic folding greeting card, but it also opens to a full-size sheet with a complete Gospel message.

It shares THE PLAN:

That God made you, loves you, and has an amazing plan for your life! (Jeremiah 29:11)

But there is some BAD NEWS. All of us have sinned and fall short of God's standard. (Romans 3:23; Romans 6:23)

It also offers a bit of an explanation why God would allow the possibility of sin: so that we could be genuinely free to have the possibility of REAL CHOICE. Otherwise, we would be like robots and real love would not be possible.

Everyone has used their free choice selfishly, and there is a consequence for that - which is sin - but that is why there is GOOD NEWS!

God so loved the world, that He sent His one and only Son to pay the cost of that sin for us! (John 3:16)

The inside of the booklet explains that Jesus is a GIFT from God, but that there are three things that make a gift a gift: It must be offered, it must be free, and it must be accepted. God has indeed offered forgiveness and salvation. It is offered freely, but it also must be accepted in order to be received.

The booklet then goes on to explain that receiving the gift of salvation is as easy as A-B-C. Admitting our sin, Believing in Jesus, and Choosing to follow Him. The back cover includes a sample of a simple prayer that can be prayed to express this choice to accept Jesus. This gives the opportunity to respond to the Good News!

You can download the PDF of the GOOD NEWS GOSPEL TRACT below. Please print many copies and give them to people who need to hear this Good News! Provide them to children so they can share the Good News with their friends! Carry some with you so you are ready!

Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. 1 Peter 3:15

If you have a story of someone coming to know Jesus in part because of this Good News Gospel Tract, we would love to hear that story! Share it with us by e-mail or post in our Facebook Group!

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