Zones › How Well Can You Spell Your Name?

How Well Can You Spell Your Name?

Membership Level Starter

Author/Source: Tim Brown

Topic: Object Lesson: Trusting God

How easy is it to write your name? Should be fairly easy but this lesson complicates it and has a surprise ending for a volunteer.

How Well Can You Write Your Name?Equipment: Balloons and a balloon pump and two small whiteboards and markers.

Action: Ask for two volunteers to come up to help you. Have them stand back-to-back about three or four feet apart from each other. Hand them a marker and ask them to write their name on a small white board. While they are doing that, blow up two of the balloons. Tell the children (out loud for the class to hear) that you're going to hand them the balloon and they have to write their name on the board again while holding onto it. At the same time have a staff person whisper to the second child that when they get the balloon, they are to hand it to the staff person and then write their name on the board.

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