Zones › Salty Speech

Salty Speech

Membership Level Starter

Author/Source: Tim Brown

Topic: Using Words Wisely

Using a saltshaker as an object lesson, this teaching emphasizes the importance of speaking wisely and graciously, as instructed in Colossians 4:6. 

Salty SpeechObject: A saltshaker with salt in it.

Theme: Be ready to tell someone about Jesus

Scripture: Colossians 4:6

What are some of the reasons why we use salt? It helps to help improve the taste of bland food items. (Give examples of foods salt helps to make taste better.)

Another reason is that it helps to preserve food, make it last longer. Salt helps the taste of some things, but too much salt on something, can actually ruin its taste.

The Bible says your speech is to be seasoned with salt. It isn't talking about real salt like this (hold up shaker), but it means you need to be careful about how you use your words.

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